97 - People are Swayed by a Dominant Personality


Apunte sobre 97 - People are Swayed by a Dominant Personality, creado por Grace Trimble el 21/01/2020.
Grace Trimble
Apunte por Grace Trimble, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Grace Trimble
Creado por Grace Trimble hace casi 5 años

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Página 1

97 - People are Swayed by a Dominant Personality

Just because a decision was made in a group, it doesn't mean that it was made by everyone in the group. Leaders and people with dominant personalities can sway peoples and a groups decisions.  The people who become leaders in a group are often the first to speak. The first ideas are often chosen just because they're first. 

Página 2

Here's a TED talk about what it takes to be a great leader. This point was shorter and pretty straight forward, so this is another piece of information about good leadership.

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