Components of Fitness


9999999 PDH Apunte sobre Components of Fitness, creado por CC <3 el 13/10/2013.
CC <3
Apunte por CC <3, actualizado hace más de 1 año
CC <3
Creado por CC <3 hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Cardiorespiratory Endurance- the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to work efficiently during excersise for an extended period of time

Muscular Strength-the ability of the body to exert force in one maximal effort

Muscular Endurance-the ability of the musclees to repeatedly contract for extended peeriods of time

Flexibility-a range of movement at a particular joint

Body Composition-the type of shape of our body depending on amount of muscle fat

Coordination-the ability to intergrate messages from the different senses and body movements

Reaction Time-the time taken to acknowledge stimuli and respond appropriately

Power-a combination of strength and speed/ explosive movements

Agility-the skill of changing direction with speed

Speed-quickness of movement

Balance-static balance is maintaining equilibrium while stationary and dynamic balance is maintaining equilibrium while moving

Health related components

Skill realted components

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