key terms organ. chap. 8


Psychology Fichas sobre key terms organ. chap. 8, creado por Iris Freiberger el 28/03/2019.
Iris Freiberger
Fichas por Iris Freiberger, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Iris Freiberger
Creado por Iris Freiberger hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
psychological contract employee´s perception of exchange relationship with organisation, promised outcomes, contributions by employee
realistic job preview honest assessment of advantages and disadvantages of part. job and organisation
performance appraisal evaluating performance to encourage employee motivation and performance and to provide info to be used in managerial decision making
subjective measures measures based on individual perceptions
graphic rating scale subjective measure on which performance is evaluated along a continuum
behaviourally anchored rating scale (BARS) subjective measure on which specific work-related behaviours are evaluated
behavioural observation scale (BOS) subjective measure on which the frequency with which employee performs a behaviour is indicated
360-degree appraisal employee´s performance is evaluated by a number of people (e.g. peers, subordinates, superiors, customers..)
merit pay plan plan that bases pay on performance
comparable worth idea that jobs of equivalent value should carry same pay rates regardless of other differences
career sum of work-related experiences throughout a person´s lifetime
boundaryless career career not tied to a single organisation, person has variety of kinds of work experiences in diff. organisations
career goals experiences, positions, or jobs that employees would like to have in the course of their career
career plateau position from which the chances of obtaining a promotion becomes very small
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