Business Studies - Mid-year Exam revision


Fichas sobre Business Studies - Mid-year Exam revision, creado por Jiwoon Park el 27/11/2019.
Jiwoon Park
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Jiwoon Park
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Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are land resources The natural resources that firms will use to create goods and services
What is a productivity The amount of products produced from the resources available
What is chain of production When products move through the three sectors of industry before being sold to the consumer
Advantages of job production - The product meet the exact needs of the customers. - Worker have more interesting job, and increase the quality.
Disadvantages of job production - Skilled labour is needed. -Take long time to produce, which may leave customer dissatisfied.
Computer Aided design Computer software which produces drawings and three-dimensional models of a product.
Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) Using computer technology to allow customers to pay with debit or credit cards.
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