Hostage: Worry


(Hostage) Messages Mapa Mental sobre Hostage: Worry, creado por Ross Johnson el 19/12/2013.
Ross Johnson
Mapa Mental por Ross Johnson, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ross Johnson
Creado por Ross Johnson hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Hostage: Worry
  1. intro
    1. worry- German word "wurgen" meaning to strangle/choke
      1. worry is the sin of distrusting the promises and power of God
      2. how do we stop the strangle hold of worry?
        1. Ph. 4.4-9
        2. Do what God says
          1. rejoice
            1. repeated
              1. not based on circumstances
                1. no situation beyond God
                2. be gentle
                  1. worry often leads to irritablity
                    1. worry means we are self focused
                      1. focused on what is not going right
                        1. God is at hand!
                        2. give God what I can't handle
                          1. Jesus spoke to this in Mt. 6.25ff
                            1. what caused worry then, still exists 2day
                              1. Point - prayer relieves anxiety
                                1. significance - pray w/thanksgiving
                                2. Ph. 4.4-6
                                3. cultivate right thoughts
                                  1. Ph. 4.8
                                    1. rearrange life & thought so God's peace can work
                                      1. main verb is "think"
                                        1. to focus
                                          1. mediate
                                          2. 7 qualities of right thoughts
                                            1. think right thoughts about situation and God
                                            2. Rest in God's Peace
                                              1. Ph. 4.7
                                                1. it is a divine peace
                                                  1. not based on whether or not circumstances changed or needs where met
                                                  2. it trancends understnading
                                                    1. peace exels knowledge
                                                    2. it stands gaurd
                                                      1. military term
                                                        1. keeps the junk out!
                                                      2. take home
                                                        1. what is consuming you?
                                                          1. what is strangling you?
                                                            1. Say "I will trust God no matter what
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