Social perception


Psyco Mapa Mental sobre Social perception, creado por Andrea de Sayve el 14/02/2017.
Andrea de Sayve
Mapa Mental por Andrea de Sayve, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Andrea de Sayve
Creado por Andrea de Sayve hace casi 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Social perception
  1. Constructing an understanding of the social world from the data we get through our senses
    1. Attribution Theory
      1. observe others behaviours and then infer backward to causes that explain why people act as they do
        1. Dispositional attribution
          1. Internal state of the person
          2. Situational attribution
            1. person's environment
            2. Inferring Disposition from acts
              1. 2 steps
                1. Fractors that influenced which effects the person is pursuing
                  1. Commonality
                    1. Social desirability
                      1. Normative Expectations
                    2. Convariation Model Of Attribution
                      1. Principal of covariation
                        1. behaviour cause by action, object, context
                          1. 3 types of information
                            1. Consensus
                              1. Consistency
                                1. Distinctiveness
                      2. Attribution for succes and failure
                        1. Determinants of Attributed Causes
                          1. Consequences
                        2. Schemas
                          1. Categorization
                            1. perceive stimuli as members of groups or classes rather than as isolated, unique entities
                              1. compare that person to our prototype of the category
                                1. prototype
                                  1. abstraction that represents the "typical instance of a class or group
                              2. Complicated because categories not isolated from one another
                              3. well-organised structure of cognitions about some social entity such as a person, group, role or event
                                1. TYPES:
                                  1. Person
                                    1. sel-schemas
                                      1. group schemas
                                        1. role schemas
                                          1. event schemas
                                            1. important recurring social events
                                            2. Captain of a sports team
                                            3. Sterotypes
                                            4. conception of our own characteristics
                                            5. cognitive structures that describe the personalities of others
                                          2. Schemas not always work
                                            1. Schematic Processing
                                              1. Know how to applied a schema to the situation
                                                1. Know what's important
                                                2. Schematic memory
                                                  1. Schematic Inference
                                                    1. Schematic Judgement
                                                  2. Drawbacks
                                              2. Person schemas and group stereotypes
                                                1. Mental maps
                                                  1. Implicite Personality theories
                                                    1. Halo effect
                                                    2. Group Stereotypes
                                                      1. Positive and negative
                                                        1. stereotype treated
                                                          1. Common:
                                                            1. Racial
                                                              1. ethnic
                                                                1. Gender groups
                                                            2. Origins
                                                              1. 2:
                                                                1. build a stereotype by generalising because of a direct experience
                                                                  1. biased distribution of members into social roles
                                                              2. Errors
                                                            3. Impression Formation
                                                              1. organize diverse information into unified impression of the other person
                                                              2. Trait Centrality
                                                                1. Trait that has a larger impact on the overall impression we form of that person
                                                                2. First impresions
                                                                  1. especially important and have enduring impact
                                                                    1. Primary effect
                                                                      1. Recency effect
                                                                    2. Self-fulfilling Prophecies
                                                                      1. Because our actions evoke appropriate reactions from others, our 1st impressions are often confirmed by the reactions of others
                                                                        1. Heuristics
                                                                          1. Availability
                                                                            1. representativeness
                                                                              1. Anchoring and Adjustment
                                                                            2. Bias and Error in Attribution
                                                                              1. Fundamental attribution error
                                                                                1. Focus-of-attention bias
                                                                                  1. actor-observer difference
                                                                                    1. 2 explanations:
                                                                                      1. different visual perspective
                                                                                        1. different access to information
                                                                                    2. Motivational Bias
                                                                                      1. Self-serving bias
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