Hydrostatics and Manometry


Mapa Mental sobre Hydrostatics and Manometry, creado por fye92 el 27/04/2014.
Mapa Mental por fye92, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por fye92 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Hydrostatics and Manometry
  1. Hydrostatics
    1. The study of pressures exerted by any fluid at rest.
      1. Principle: Pressure increases with increasing depth.
        1. Useful Equation
          1. F = pgh, where F is hydrostatic force, p is density of fluid, g is gravity and h is height of fluid.
            1. F = PA, where F is hydrostatic force, P is pressure, and A is surface are the fluid acts upon.
          2. Manometers
            1. Piezometer
              1. The simplest form of manometer. Not practical to use to measure gas pressure.
              2. Differential Manometer
                1. Cannot measure but can measure pressure difference.
                2. Open Manometer
                  1. A tube bent into U-shape designed to contain two or more fluids. It is used to measure pressure of different fluids.
                3. Industrial Applications
                  1. Concept of manometry can be used to measure the pressure difference in different wells and production/injection.
                    1. The pressure difference can be used to find the flow rate/production of oil from a reservoir.
                      1. Different type of manometry's concepts can be applied in different type of reservoir to achieve optimum production/flow rate.
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