BMS12-1044 - Histology of respiratory system


BMS12 - Respiratory System Flashcards on BMS12-1044 - Histology of respiratory system, created by Evian Chai on 07/05/2020.
Evian Chai
Flashcards by Evian Chai, updated more than 1 year ago
Evian Chai
Created by Evian Chai over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What type of respiratory epithelium lines Respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi, and larger bronchioles? Pseudostratified, columnar, ciliated (cilia around size of nucleus)
What cells are in the respiratory epithelium other than columnar ciliated cells? Goblet cells Neuroendocrine cells (serotonin, bombesin, calcitonin) Basal cells (stem cells)
What is the muco-cillary escalator? cilia moves mucus to pharynx
Trachea epithelium type Tall, columnar, pseudostratified, ciliated on top of lamina propria Cartilage rings
Primary bronchus epithelium type Shorter columnar, pseudostratified, ciliated Less goblet cells Cartilage PLATES
Tertiary Bronchus epithelium type Little pseudostratification/goblet cells SM controlled by PNS Little plates of cartilage
How far down the respiratory tract until theres no more cartilage? At the bronchioles
Bronchioles epithelium type Larger: pseudostratified, columnar, ciliated, goblet cells Smaller: cuboidal w cillia
Terminal/respiratory bronchioles epithelium type Cuboidal ciliated cells Clara cells instead of goblet cells (surfactant, Cl-, stem cells) Respiratory: alveoli on walls
When alveolar macrophages remove inhaled particles, where do they go? 1. Ciliated part of tract then pharynx 2. Lymph nodes via lymphatics
Alveolar pores do what? Allow for equilibrating of pressure
Alveolar elastin does what? Passive recoil Emphysema caused by destruction of elastin
Anatomical vs. Physiological vs alveolar dead space Anatomical: conducting zone volume Alveolar: poorly perfused alveoli physiological: Anatomical+alveolar
Pulmonary arteries carry ... to lungs ... until transition of bronchi/bronchioles ... at bronchioles Deoxygenated blood Elastic Muscular
Bronchial arteries carry .... to lungs+pleura Branches of .... ... type of artery Oxygenated blood Thoracic aorta Muscular
Alveolar capillaries drain into ... Bronchial arteries drain into... Fluid from alveoli drains into Pulmonary veins Azygous/hemizygous vein interstitial fluid-->small lymphatics at respiratory bronchioles-->larger lympathics-->hilar lymph nodes-->hilum
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