BRS Renal and Acid-Base Physiology


Physiology at UCF
Flashcards by tiwariashley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tiwariashley over 9 years ago
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Question Answer
Secretion of K+ by the distal tubule will be decreased by spironolactone administration
Subjects A and B are 70kg men. Subject A drinks 2 L of distilled water and subject B drinks 2 L of isotonic NaCl. As a result of these ingestions subject B will have a higher urine osmolarity
A woman with a history of severe diarrhea has the following arterial blood values: pH: 7.25 PCo2: 24 mmHg HCo3-: 10 mEg/l venous blood samples show decreased blood K+ and a normal anion gap. the correct diagnosis for this patient is metabolic acidosis
A woman with a history of severe diarrhea has the following arterial blood values: pH: 7.25 PCo2: 24 mmHg HCo3-: 10 mEg/l venous blood samples show decreased blood K+ and a normal anion gap. The decreased blood K+ is a result of increased circulating levels of aldosterone
The reabsorption of filtered HCO3- is inhibited by decreases in arterial PCO2
To maintain normal H+ balance total daily excretion of H+ should equal the daily fixed acid production plus fixed acid ingestion
One gram of Mannitol was injected into a woman. After equilibrium a plasma sample had a mannitol concentration of .8g/l. During the equilibrium period 20% of the injected mannitol was excreted in the urine. The subjects ECF volume is 10L
At plasma concentrations of glucose higher than occur at transport maximum the excretion of glucose increases with the increasing plasma glucose concentration
a negative free-water clearance(-CH20) will occur in a person who has an oat cell carcinoma of the lung and excretes urine with an osmolarity of 1000 mOsm/L
A buffer pair(HA/A-) has a pK of 5.4. at a blood pH of 7.4 the concentration of HA is 1/100 that of A-
What would produce and increase in the reabsorption of isosmotic fluid in the proximal tubule increased filtration fraction
Which two substances can be used to measure interstitial fluid volume insulin and radioactive albumin
At plasma para-aminohippuric acid ( PAH) concentrations below the transport maximum PAH concentration in the renal vein is close to zero
Compared with a person who ingests 2 L of distilled water a person with deprivation will have a higher rate of H2O reabsorption in the collecting ducts
What would cause an increase in both the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and renal plasma flow (RPF) dilation of the afferent arteriole
Which of the following would best distinguish an otherwise healthy person with seven water deprivation from a person with the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) plasma osmolarity
What causes a decrease in renal Ca2+ clearance treatment with chlorothiazide
A patient has the following arterial blood values: pH: 7.52 PCO2: 20 mm Hg HCO3: 16 mEq/l Which statements about the patient is correct he has decreased ionized Ca2+ in blood
A patient arrives at the ER with low arterial pressure, reduced tissue turgor and the following arterial blood values: pH= 7/69 HCO3= 57mEq/L PCO2= 48 mm Hg What response would be expected to occur in this patient exchange of intracellular H+ for extracellular K+
which ion has a higher concentration in intracellular fluid then in extracellular fluid K+
a woman has a plasma osmolarity of 300 mOsm/l and a urine osmolarity of 1200 mOsm/L the correct diagnosis is central diabetes insipidus
A patient is infused with para-aminohipuric acid (PAH) to measure renal blood flow (RBF). She has a urine flow rate of 1ml/min a plasma PAH of 1mh/ml a urine PAH of 600 mh/ml and hematocrit of 45%. What is her effective RBF 1091 ml/min
What substance has the highest renal clearance PAH Para-aminohippuric acid
A woman runs a marathon in 90 degree weather ad replaces all volume lost in sweat by drinking distilled water. After the marathon she will have decreased plasma osmolarity
what causes hyperkalemia exercise
What is the cause of metabolic alkalosis hyperaldosteronism
What does the parathyroid hormone do on the renal tubule stimulate adenylate cyclase
A man presents with hypertension and hypokalemia. Measurement of his arterial blood pressure reveals a pH of 7.5 and a calculated HCO3- of 32 mEq/L. His serum cortisol and urinary vanillylmandelic acid VMA are normal his serum aldosterone is increased. and his plasma renin activity is decreased. What is the cause for his hypertension Conn's Syndrome
What set of arterial blood values describes a heavy smoker with a history of emphysema and chronic bronchitis who is becoming increasingly somnolent Ph 7.32 HCO3- 30 PCO2 60
What set of arterial blood values describes a patient with partially compensated respiratory alkalosis after 1 month on a mechanical ventilator Ph 7.50 HCO3- 15 PCO2 20
What set of arterial blood values describes a patient with chronic renal failure ( eating a normal protein diet) and decreased urinary excretion of NH4 Ph 7.31 HCO3- 16 PCO2 33
What set of arterial blood values describes a patient with untreated diabetes mellitus and increased d urinary excretion of NH4 Ph 7.31 HCO3- 16 PCO2 33
What set of arterial blood values describes a patient with a 5 day history of vomiting Ph 7.65 HCO3- 48 PCO2 45
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