General Anaesthetics


under grad Neuro-pharmacology Flashcards on General Anaesthetics, created by Bhavi Mistry on 17/04/2013.
Bhavi Mistry
Flashcards by Bhavi Mistry, updated more than 1 year ago
Bhavi Mistry
Created by Bhavi Mistry almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Thiopentone Short acting barbituate anaesthetic (positive GABAa allosteric modulation at the B subunit)
Why is thiopentone replaced by propofol? Repeated dose of thiopentane saturates tissue stores, so it sits around in the blood, and can therefore not maintain a constant infusion
Propofol Rapid metabolism and non-accumulative (no storage in fat/muscle)
tiletamine (phencyclidine) NMDA channel -
midazolam Benzodiazepine amnesia used in endoscopy when full analgesia is not needed
Advantages of injectable anaesthetics High therapeutic index No CV/Resp depression Non-cumulative Analgesic
Disadvantages of injectable anaesthetics Psychic disturbance Involuntary movement
Halothane Toxic metabolite (inhalation anaesthetics)
Enflurane Convulsions
Des/Sevoflurane Rapid induction
Advantages of inhalation anaesthetics Maintenance of stage III (surgical anaesthaesia) Small lipid soluble molecules cross the alveolar membrane easily
Disadvantages of inhalation anaesthetics Problem if lungs are damaged Toxicity is associated with their metabolism
Review Stages of anaesthaesia Effects on the CNS Effects on other channels
Unitary theory No obvious structure-activity relationship
Lipid theory Membrane expansion leads to disruption of function
Meyer+overton The potency of a drug is proportional to its lipid solubility
Protein theory Binding to hydrophobic regions (true, but not always in the same way)
Etomidate Enhancement of GABAaR function
Volatile anaesthetics Bind between alpha and beta subunits
IV anaesthetics Bind to beta subunits
N2O (-) NMDA Rs
Xenon (-)NMDA Rs
Ketamine (-) NMDA R
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