Emergency Management


Emergency Management
Carmen Saez
Flashcards by Carmen Saez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Michelle Rose
Created by Michelle Rose over 7 years ago
Carmen Saez
Copied by Carmen Saez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What does F<Yucca uyyuyuyu uùu;EMA stc and for?8y Federal Emergency Management Agency
True or False The Stafford Act requires the Governor or Tribal govt Chief Executive to submit a letter to the President requesting Federal Assistance before PDA's can begin. False
What are the steps in the disaster declaration process sequence for a non-expedited major disaster declaration? * Event * PDA's * Governor's request * Region * HQ * DHS * White House * DR
True or False FEMA's disaster assistance resources should always be used before those of other federal agencies. False
True or False Before the appointment of a FCO, the RA where the event has happened is responsible for FEMA's response to the State, Local, Tribal, or territorial govt. True
What are the 4 types of stress? * Cognitive * Emotional * Physical * Behavioral
What declarations and activities are within the Stafford Act? * Major disasters * Emergencies * Defense emergency * Fire Mgmt Assistance * Pre-disaster declaration activities
What does MA stand for? Mission Assignment - A work order issued to a federal agency by FEMA, directing completion by tgat agebcy if a specified task and sets aside funding.
What are the two types of mission support? Federal Operations Support (FOS) - Is 100% federally funded. Is eligible before or after a disaster. Direct Federal Assistance - requested by State. Subject to State cost share. Only eligible after declaration.
What activity is not declared but require FEMA's expertise in consequence management? Federal-to-Federal
Explain the Mission Assistance process?
What is the goal of risk reduction? To reduce risk to life and property through the use of land use controls, building practices, and other tools.
What does SCO stand for? State Coordinating Officer Appointed by Governor
What is Protection? The capabilities necessary to secure the homeland against acts of terrorism and human caused or natural disasters.
What is Prepardness? Actions taken to plan, prganize, equip, train, and exercise to build and sustain the capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respibd to, and recover from those threats that pose the greatest risk.
What are the grant program key activities? * Grant program development * Application submission and review * Award determination and obligations * Award management * Evaluation and closeout
What is resilience? The ability to adapt to changing conditions and withstand and rapidly reciver from disruption due to emergencies.
What does PKEMRA stand for? The Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006.
What does MDRC stand for? Mobile Disaster Recovery Centers
What does IRR stand for? Initial Response Resources
Where are primary distributions centers located? Atlanta, GA Fort Worth, TX Cumberland, MD Frederick, MD Moffett Field, CA Puerto Rico Hawaii Guam
What does IMAT stand for? Incident Management Assistance Teams
What FEMA authority is Entitled "Emergency Management and Assistance? Title 44
Which mission seeks to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the Nation by planning, training, exercising, snd building the emergency management profession? Prepardness
Which group sets priorities and provides leadership for a unified response at all levels? United Coordination Group (UCG)
What does FQS stand for? FEMA Qualification System
What does SCO stand for? State Coordinating Officer
What are the activities within FQS? I'm Is As Me Incident Mgmt Incident Support Ancillary Support Mission Essential
What does EMAC stand for? Emergency Management Assistance Compacts
What are the steps in the Declaration Process? Event PDA's Govenor's request Regional National DHS President DR
What is FEMA's Mission? Support our citizens and 1st respinfers to ensure that we work together as a nation to build, sustain, and improve oyr capacity to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
What does USAR stand for? Urban Search and Rescue
What does PSMA stand for? Pre-scripted Mission Assignments
Which agencies could participate in PSMA's? * HHS * U.S.Corps of Engineers * Department of Defense * U.S. Coast Guard
What does OPSEC stand for? Operations Security
What are the response doctrine key principles? * Engaged Partnerships * Tiered Response * Scalable, Flexible, and Adaptable Operational Capabilities * Unity of Effort Through Unified Command * Readiness To Act
What does NDRF stand for? National Disaster Recovery Framework
What does the NDRF do? The NDRF is a guide to promote effective recovery, particularly for large-scale or catastrophic incidents.
What does term Recovery refer to? Refers to those capabilities necessary to assist communities affected by an incident to recover effectively.
What are the key activities of response? * Taking immediate action
At the onset of an incident, initial decisions, and objectives are established based on what priorities? * Life and health * property protection * Continuity of Operations
Recovery is focused on a timely restoration, strengthening, and revitalization of what? * Infrastructure * Housing * Sustainable economy * Health, social, cultural, historic, and environmental fabric of communities affected by a catastrophic incident
When does recovery begin? Immediately
How long does recovery take? As long as it takes
What is the recovery process? A sequence of interdependent and iften concurrent activities that progressively advance a community toward a successful recovery.
Developing and implementing a disaster recovery plan will help guide the community through the recovery process. True or False True
What are FEMA's core missions? * Prepardness * Protection * Response * Recovery * Mitigation
What is the role of the CFO? * Provides funds control & financial info, operations, and policy support * Serves as the principal advisor to the Administrator on financial matters * Oversees the External Coordination and Liasion Unit * Manages the Disaster Relief Fund
What does LDRM stand for? Local Disaster Recovery Managers
Who should you contact regarding ethics questions? Ethics Officer
What does FEKC stand for? FEMA employee knowledge center
What function does ESF perform? Groups of government, nongovernmental, and private sector organizations that provide the people, facilities, supplies, and equipment to respond to disasters.
What does RRCS stand for? Regional Response Coordination Staff
What does NRF stand for? National Response Framework
What is the role of an ESF Coordinator? To manage oversight for a particular ESF.
What general duties does the ESF perform? * Have authority to commit agency assets * Approve abd implement mission assignments * Maintain situational awareness and report on ESF operations * Represent the agency on task forces and ad hoc groups * Serve as technical experts
What does NRCC stand for? National Response Coordination Center
What does RA stand for? Regional Administrator
What is ESF 15? External Affairs
What is ESF 10? Oil and Hazardous Materials
What is ESF 7? Logistics
What is ESF 8? Public Health and Medical Services
What is ESF 3? Public Works and Engineering
What is ESF 1? Transportation
What is ESF 4? Firefighting
What is the mission of FLETC? We train those who protect our homeland
What 3 recovery programs does the Human Services function provide under the Individual Assistance Program? * Individual * Household * Community Services
What response function is a critical element of prepardness and all phases of response operations? Planning
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