IDRA: Intercultural Development Research
Association is an independent, non-profit
organization that is dedicated to assuring
educational opportunity for every child
PROYECT: ExCELS (Educators x Communities =
English Language learners’ Success), funded by
the U.S. Department of Education
focused on improving teachers’ capacity to address
curriculum, instruction, assessment and parent
involvement issues that impact the achievement of
limited-English-proficient (LEP) students.
Five components: • Training for Capacity Building • Technical
Assistance for Classroom Support • Teacher Mentoring •
Teacher-Parent Partnership • ESL Learning Communities
IDRA´s teachers were intrigued by the reflexive
and critical process of learning through real
ExCELS has five major elements
Training for Capacity Building: Workshops on
developing a knowledge base for English language
acquisition; the role of language in content
learning; and diversified forms of assessment
Teacher Mentoring: modeling,
coaching and material sharing.
ESL Learning Communities: electronic
communication with ESL experts and
higher education resources
Technical Assistance for Classroom Support: Model lessons,
designing instruction, planning meetings, guiding
conversations; team problemsolving and success sharing
“using practice as a medium for
professional development”
The practice of teaching
as a medium for teacher
development requires:
A context of hihg quality
model teaching
A process of deep
A critical result sought is application
appropriate to the observer’s skill level that
leads to self-critique and self-improvement.
An effective lesson for English
language learners includes:
Recognizing and drawing on student
experiences (prior knowledge)
Allowing for multiple opportunities to
demonstrate learning and mastery
Aligning with state standards
Demonstrating the use of
language to develop content