Enactive approach to metaphor


Master Thesis Philosophy - Preparacion TFM (Material preparación TFM) Mind Map on Enactive approach to metaphor, created by Luis de la Pinta on 23/05/2020.
Luis de la Pinta
Mind Map by Luis de la Pinta, updated more than 1 year ago
Luis de la Pinta
Created by Luis de la Pinta almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Enactive approach to metaphor
  1. JENSEN & CUFFARI_2014
    1. 279
      1. Problems CMT
        1. individual cognitive process
          1. sub-personal neural mechanism
          2. Dynamic (systems) approach
            1. MÜLLER - from metaphor to metaphoricity
              1. CAMERON: criticism of CMT
                1. Research of metaphor in applied linguistics leads to confrontation with CMT
                  1. The notions of source and target domains are not always so easy to locate
                    1. Metaphor is shown not to be a static fixed mapping, but a temporary stability emerging from the activity of inter-connecting systems
                    2. GIBBS
                    1. MÜLLER's activation of metaphor
                      1. cf. CUCCIO: DMT
                      2. GIBB's metaphor understanding as resulting from COUPLING...
                        1. 1st order LANGUAGING (not in the sense of CUFFARI ET AL_2014!)
                          1. not in the sense of CUFFARI ET AL_2014!
                          2. Beyond Müller, Cameron, Gibbs
                            1. Human conversational interaction: Dialogical systems
                              1. Distributed cognition & participatory sense-making
                            2. 282 - DOUBLENESS IN INTERACTIVE EVENTS AND EXPERIENCE
                              1. GENDLIN's notion of METAPHOR = establishing a new kind of relationship with symbolization btw. a complex of felt meaning and SYMBOLS & some new felt meaning on the other”
                                1. SYMBOL as languaging
                                  1. DOUBLENESS: "Tensions or multiplicities" at 2xlevels: interactional or individual
                                    1. Cf. dialectical model (CUFFARI ET AL_2014)
                                2. 283 - DEFINING METAPHORICITY
                                  1. based on DOUBLENESS
                                    1. Theoretical claims
                                      1. Cf. Participatory sense-making (De Jaeguer & Di Paolo_2007)
                                        1. Gibbs’ attractor basins
                                      2. 284 - METHODOLOGICAL COMMITMENTS (x5)
                                        1. [beyond Cameron]
                                        2. 286-287 - ANALYSES
                                          1. Metaphoricity in Whole-Body Behavior
                                            1. emotion talks in Danish kindergarten
                                              1. Not a full-blown (source-target) metaphor 293
                                            2. 288 - METAPHORICITY AS MORE FUNDAMENTAL THAN METAPHOR
                                              1. Non-standard sense of metaphor (cf. TMC)
                                              2. 289 - METAPHORICITY AS DOUBLENESS IN EXPERIENCE
                                                1. Understanding is performing, beyond words!
                                                2. 290 - METAPHORICITY AND GESTURE
                                                  1. therapy session of a danish couple
                                                    1. More traditional (source-target) metaphor: "nightmare space" 293
                                                    2. Cf. gesture accompanying speech in GLENBERG-GALLESE_2011
                                                      1. Doubleness
                                                      2. 291 - METAPHORICITY AS EMOTIONAL CO-EXPERIENCE
                                                        1. Metaphors we co-experience by vs metaphors. we live by
                                                          1. Closeness to GIBBS
                                                        2. 292-294 - FINAL REMARKS: Outcomes and Perspectives of the Analyses
                                                          1. From embodied cognition to inter-bodily cognition
                                                            1. METAPHORICITY
                                                              1. = type of COORDINATION [DE JAEGHER & DI PAOLO_2007]: Doubleness
                                                                1. comes in degrees
                                                                  1. Accepted by GIBBS [see CUCCIO & STEEN_2019]
                                                                  2. May (not) lead to metaphor
                                                                2. 294-295 - IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH IN METAPHOR
                                                                  1. CMT is based on an outdated notion of EMBODIED MIND (2nd wave of cognitive sci.: "connectionist")
                                                                    1. Criticism of IMAGE-SCHEMAS by GIBBS: better thought as BASINS OF ATTRACTION
                                                                      1. Beyond Gibbs: reconsidering CMT
                                                                        1. Conceptual system as 2nd-order LANGUAGING
                                                                          1. Reconceptualización
                                                                            1. rethinking language as 1st-order behavior constrained by 2nd-order patterns
                                                                              1. 3th wave cognitive sciences
                                                                                1. LANGUAGING = linguistic behavior
                                                                                  1. Next step: integrating LANGUAGING within ENACTIVISM (cf. CUFFARI ET AL_2014)
                                                                                  2. taking an enactive perspective on life as intelligent, and cognition as co-authored in participatory sense making
                                                                            2. Systematic neglect of CLARK'S Embodied Mind (distributed, fully embodied, etc., miles away from connectionism!)
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