M2 - Explain in detail Safety and Environmental Considerations for an Expedition_1


Mind Map on M2 - Explain in detail Safety and Environmental Considerations for an Expedition_1, created by daviddaboi123 on 24/06/2015.
Mind Map by daviddaboi123, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by qprmason over 9 years ago
Copied by daviddaboi123 over 9 years ago
Copied by daviddaboi123 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

M2 - Explain in detail Safety and Environmental Considerations for an Expedition_1
  1. Apply Countryside Code
    1. Dogs on Leads
      1. Consider Others
        1. Noise
          1. At Night
            1. On Campsites
            2. Day
              1. Other Walkers
                1. Livestock
            3. Pick Up Litter/Take it Home
              1. Camp Litter
                1. Put in Camp Bin
                  1. Day - Take with You
                    1. Can Have Major impacts on Animals
                  2. Close Gates
                    1. Leave Property As you Find it
                    2. Signs
                      1. MOD Training Area (Safety)
                        1. Live Firing/Food Traps (Survival Craft)
                        2. No Unautherised Admittance
                        3. Safety
                          1. Plan Ahead
                            1. Signs
                              1. Lakes/Marsh/Bog
                              2. Food/Weather/Clothng
                                1. Emergency Rations
                            2. Impact
                              1. Footpath
                                1. Footfall
                                2. Large Muddy Track
                                  1. People walk Around it. Track Gets Bigger
                                    1. Erosion
                                    2. Stay on MarkPathsed
                                  2. Cooking Food
                                    1. Under-cooked Food (Safety)
                                      1. Burns To People
                                        1. 1st Aid Kit & Water Required near Flames
                                      2. Weather Information
                                        1. Checked Via Mobile Phone
                                          1. Can Cause Plan Changes
                                            1. Safety
                                              1. Sun Burn Prevention
                                            2. Camping
                                              1. Camp Pack Up
                                                1. Leave No Trace
                                                  1. Countryside Code
                                                  2. Order (Especially if Raining)
                                                  3. Setting Up Camp
                                                    1. Order/Priority (Safety)
                                                      1. 1.) Shelter
                                                        1. Weather/Light
                                                        2. 2.) Warmth
                                                          1. Extra Layers
                                                          2. 3.) Food
                                                            1. Cook/Eat/Replace Lost/Used Energy and Fluid
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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