Benefits of Expeditions to the Public Services


Diploma/Certificado de qualificação profissional de nivel 3 Public Services Mind Map on Benefits of Expeditions to the Public Services, created by jmhmbe on 19/04/2016.
Mind Map by jmhmbe, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by qprmason over 8 years ago
Copied by jmhmbe over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Benefits of Expeditions to the Public Services
  1. Planning
    1. Olympics
      1. Police
        1. Preparing external security in preparation of the games
        2. Army
          1. Taking control of internal security with only 3 weeks notice
      2. Skill Development
        1. Camp Craft
          1. Army
            1. Navigation = Essential skill in the army
          2. Organisation
            1. Route Planning
              1. Camping
                1. Packing Up camp
                  1. Setting Up camp, when we arrived
                  2. Logistics
                  3. Map Reading
                    1. Police
                      1. 999 Response
                  4. Communication
                    1. Preparation of expedititon
                      1. Planning
                        1. Kit
                          1. Checking - Ensuring all the relevent kit has been packed and checked
                          2. Route
                          3. Packing
                          4. Execution of expedition.
                            1. Map Reading
                              1. Team Work
                              2. Reviewing the expedition
                                1. Discussing what went well/badly
                              3. Problem Solving
                                1. Finding another route around Army training area
                                  1. Camping Problems
                                    1. Finding the toilet block on the campsite
                                  2. Team Work
                                    1. Map Reading
                                      1. Army
                                      2. Catching Criminals
                                        1. Police
                                        2. Multiple Public Services Working Together
                                          1. Traffic Accident
                                            1. Police
                                              1. Stopping the Traffic, will prevent any further accidents
                                                1. Investigate the cause of the accident
                                                  1. Ensure Fire and Ambulance Service, Have Access to the Vehicle
                                            2. Physical Benefits
                                              1. Improved Fitness
                                                1. IncreasesStrength
                                                  1. Can improve Stammina
                                                2. Co-Operation
                                                  1. Tired-ness
                                                    1. Due to long legs on the expedition
                                                    2. Injury
                                                      1. Somone in the Army becomming injured, whilst on operations. Co-operation with team members will allow them to carry the injured soldier, back to safety
                                                    3. Self-Confidence
                                                      1. Police
                                                        1. Confident in court to get point & evidence accross
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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