
fats and oils Abby Pokorski 4th period
Mind Map by abbypokorski, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abbypokorski about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Cis and trans fat-do not go rancid and they are stable
    1. terrible for your health
      1. far worst than saturated fats
        1. change textures in foods
          1. technically a type of unsaturated fat
            1. How to know if something has trans fat?
              1. look for the words partially hydrogenated
                1. made by partially hydrogenating unsaturated fats
                2. olive oil-100% fat, unsaturated, no trans Pancake mix-11% fat, more than half
                  1. Fats- a nutrient that is essential for body for energy, insulation and protection
                    1. most concentrated source of energy
                      1. provide 9 calories per gram
                        1. supplies heat, carries vitamins A, D, E, and K, adds flavor to food, satisfies hunger,protects organs from shock and injury, and promotes healthy skin
                        2. Oils-fats that are liquid at room teperature
                          1. Lipids-a family of chemical compunds
                            1. Cholesterol-fat like substance made of glucose and saturated fats
                              1. Fatty acids-chemical chains that make up fat
                                1. Saturated fat-fats that usually come from an animal source; raises LDL and HDL
                                  1. Unsaturated fat-double bond; most are good for you
                                    1. polyunsaturated- found in veggies and fish; lower both LDL and HDL
                                      1. monounsaturated-semi solid or liquid at room temp
                                        1. raises HDL and lowers LDL
                                      2. Cholesterol
                                        1. HDL cholesterol- good for you
                                          1. LDL-bad for you; too much can lead to heart attack
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