

Mind Map by priitonsoe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by priitonsoe about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Twisting tools
    1. allen wrench
      1. combination wrench
        1. lug wrench
          1. rachet
            1. Monkey wrench
              1. tongs
              2. Lifting tools
                1. dolly
                  1. automotive lift
                    1. scissor lift
                      1. forklift
                        1. frame rack
                        2. Measuring tools
                          1. Pneumatic torque wrench
                            1. Spirit level
                              1. Tape measure
                                1. Caliper
                                2. Painting tools
                                  1. Body filler
                                    1. Body file
                                      1. Paint brush
                                        1. Sand paper
                                          1. Spray gun
                                          2. Wheel removing tools
                                            1. Air compressor
                                              1. Wheelbrace
                                                1. Wheel aligner
                                                2. Fastening tools
                                                  1. nail gun
                                                    1. clamp
                                                      1. nut
                                                        1. dowel
                                                          1. washer
                                                            1. Screwdriver
                                                            2. Material deformation tools
                                                              1. Drills
                                                                1. hammer drill
                                                                  1. battery-operated impact drill
                                                                  2. saw
                                                                    1. jigsaw
                                                                      1. circular saw
                                                                        1. chainsaw
                                                                          1. hacksaw
                                                                          2. Grinding tools
                                                                            1. angle grinder
                                                                              1. sander
                                                                                1. electric plane
                                                                                2. Impact tools
                                                                                  1. Axe
                                                                                    1. Pick hammer
                                                                                      1. Hammer
                                                                                      2. Cutting tools
                                                                                        1. Pipe cutters
                                                                                          1. Lathe
                                                                                            1. Pliers
                                                                                              1. Wire cutters
                                                                                            2. Dowe removal tools
                                                                                              1. Plastic fastener removal
                                                                                                1. Door panel clip removal
                                                                                                  1. Chisel
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