over 65% of filtrate is reabsorbed here (most of
the Na, Cl and other anions passively follow),
water passively follows Na; responsible for
reabsorbing all of the filtered glucose, amino
acids, proteins, ketones, and vitamins
Descending Loop of Henle
large amts of water are
passively reabsorbed b/c
of high medullary
concentration gradient
Ascending Loop of Henle and Early Distal Tubule
IMPERMEABLE to water, Cl is actively
reabsorbed, Na passively follows
Late Distal Convoluted Tubules and Collecting Duct
highly dependent on presence (or absence) of ADH and Aldosterone
ADH is released due to increased
plasma osmolality when not drinking
OR decreased decreased circulating
blood volume
Aldosterone in a dehydrated
animal causes active reabsorption
of Na and secretion of K