Created by kathrynlouise
almost 11 years ago
Improves Recall
Impairs Recall
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Christianson & Hubinette (1993)Found that when they questioned 58 real witnesses who had been threatened (high anxiety) they were more accurate in recall than onlookers (low anxiety)
Deffenbacher et al (2004)Meta-analysis showed anxiety decreases recall
Accuracy is better under moderate arousal
2 Groups of students watched a slideshow of events1 slide was differentParticipants asked to identify person
Group 1 - Person gets a cheque outGroup 2 - Person gets a gun out
- Participants in group 1 were 39% accurate- Participants in group 2 were 11% accurate
Average fixation time- Gun - 3.72 secs- Cheque - 2.44 secs
Valentine & Coxon
Effect of leading questions on different age groups
Quasi Experiment
3 groups compared - Children, Young Adults, Elderly
IV = AgeDV = Accuracy of EWT in response to leading & non-leading questions
Each group watched same video of a kidnappingAsked a series of leading & non-leading questions
FINDINGS- Children mislead more by leading questions- Elderly & Children gave more incorrect answers to non-leading questions
CONCLUSION - Age can affect accuracy of EWT
Anastasi & Rhodes
"People have better recall of people their own age" - Could be a problem - Studies use images of similar ages
- Participants from different age groups rated 48 photos for attractiveness. - Then shown another 48 (24 the same) - Who had they seen before?
FINDINGS- Young and Middle Aged (18-25 & 35-45) more accurate- All age groups more accurate in identifying those from same age group
Effect of Age on Confidence of Witness
Effect of Delay on Accuracy of Young & Older Witnesses
Yarmey- Found no significant difference in accuracy between young & old participants when asked to recall a person they had just spoken to.- Younger + Middle Aged more confident than older.
Memon et al- Found that when delay between incident and recall was short, there is no difference in accuracy of recall between young & old. - When recall is delayed by a week, older recall was worse
High Validity - Can be generalised to similar situations Studies useful for the police
Field experiments - lack of control of variables Lab experiments - low ecological validity Ethical issues - protection from harm/distress
Weapons Focus
Age of Witness
Age & Delay
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