RLI SB U6 p44 vocab


RLI SB U6 p44 vocab
Anikó Guttmann-Papp
FlashCards por Anikó Guttmann-Papp, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Anikó Guttmann-Papp
Criado por Anikó Guttmann-Papp mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
are boyfriend and girlfriend is going out with
hates can't stand
doesn't have a good relationship doesn't get on with
love very much adore
stays in contact keeps in touch with
ends a relationship split up
makes jokes about makes fun of
had an argument fell out
have fun together have a good laugh together
took care of looked after
became friends got to know each other


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