Origins Of Life II


FlashCards sobre Origins Of Life II, criado por J yadonknow em 27-03-2018.
J yadonknow
FlashCards por J yadonknow, atualizado more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Criado por J yadonknow mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
LUCA components (6) Cells Membranes Basic metabolism Nucleic Acids Genetic Code ATP
Why RNA world hypothesis feasible? as RNA can perform both catalysis and replication
Why not DNA? No DNA-catalysed protein activity Bacteria + Archaea have dif. rep. EZ, so DNA replication evolved after these groups split, must have something occurred before DNA.
What is the correlation btw. 1st base of codon and Biosynth pathway of the AA they encode? CAU C = AA from a-ketoglutarate A = AA from oxaloacetate U = AA from pyruvate
What is the correlation btw. 2nd base of codon and nature of AA they encode? A = hydrophilic AA U = hydrophobic AA
How did these single AA bind? AA transfer to a larger strand which is more stable so E favourable.
What proof exists that implies this process could've occurred in Early Earth? RNA Pol' occurs spontaneously in vents
How is RNA pol' generated in vents? Convection and thermal currents silt-up vents w/ molecules inc. RNA Thermal gradients act like PCR
What does RNA in conc. do? Get faster at replicating so RNA strand gets longer
Evolution of riboproteins RNA strand becomes structural AND catalytic Structural elements eventually become protein Riboproteins evolve.
Why is it possible that DNA evolved from RNA? Can derive deoxyribose from ribose Thymine from Uracil
Met processes are possible in vents due to these conditions: (5) Acid-Alkali (proton) gradients Conc. Space heat H, H+ and redox precursors Storable energy
AA and proteins can form because: Vent chambers contain precursor of AAs Energy and redox ' support AA synthesis
AA can react w/ and be catalysed by DNA because: Vent chambers contain precursor of AAs Energy and redox ' support AA synthesis
RNA can be complex and converted into DNA, which is: A stable heritable molecule for replicating processes.
How are carbon compounds synthesised from scratch? By running TCA cycle in reverse
Where does this process occur? In Archaea in Deep Sea Vents
What conditions must be met? Given enough [compound] and a supply of ATP, cycle will run on its own.
What is the Martin-Russell Theory? Acetyl thioesters e.g. AcCoA -> pyruvic acid -> acetyl phosphate
How did they do this? By producing an ETC to harness internal proton gradient
Why is ATP an improvement of this? Much better at harnessing the redox ' of Alkali vents
What did IM proteins allow? Lose of dependency on having an external alkaline environment
Why are mineral cells suitable wombs for the creation of protocells? (6) Concentration "Stable" environment Redox pt. Catalysts (Fe-S) Concentration of nucleic acids A sub-structure for chemical reactants
How are early membranes thought to have arisen? proteinaceous membrane from a froth of Fe-S bubbles around alkali vents Could have been internal linings that then developed into external coverings
What is therefore required of free-living status? Ability to generate chemical gradient + store energy Membranes to contain it all.
How do you derive this chemical gradient and store of energy? ETC and ATP.
Why is this thought to have arisen late within development? dif. in membrane structure <-> bacteria / archaea suggest this happened quite late.


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