Social 10-Notes 1-3


Flashcards on Social 10-Notes 3, created by Josie Sorensen on 21/09/2015.
Josie Sorensen
FlashCards por Josie Sorensen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Josie Sorensen
Criado por Josie Sorensen mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are 4 advancements of globalization? -Transportation:moving goods worldwide quickly/effectively. -Communication:the internet. -Media: faster transfer of information.
What is media concentration? Concentrates ownership of media into the hands of few large corporations.
What is media convergence? Use of electronic technology to integrate media as newspapers,books,tv, and the internet.
What are 2 cons to media convergence and concentration? -encourage media to reduce reporters and other staff. -reduces the diversity of points of views and opinions.
What are 3 companies in Canada that are examples of media concentration? -CTVglobemedia:business news network, CTV Music, CTV News Channel. -Shaw:shaw cable systems, shaw direct, showcase. -Rogers Communications:rogers centre,rogers bank,rogers high speed Internet.
What are 5 companies in the USA that are examples of media concentration? -Viacom:CBS,nickelodeon,paramount pictures. -Time Warner:CNN,Cinemax,Warner Bros. Pictures. -Disney:Walt Disney pics,disney channel,disney world/land. -News Corp:Fox,Fox News, 20th century fox. -General Electric:NBC,CNBC,Universal Studios


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