Pre-Performance Routines


Pscyhology FlashCards sobre Pre-Performance Routines, criado por Mark Arsenal em 26-04-2013.
Mark Arsenal
FlashCards por Mark Arsenal, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Mark Arsenal
Criado por Mark Arsenal aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Name 2 other types of Routines (aside from Pre-Performance Routines): Competition Routines and Training Routines.
Define Pre-Performance Routine: Pattern of mental and or physical activities carried out before competition to aid performance.
Define Ritual: A behavior that doesn't have a clear technical function in skill execution but if not followed can be detrimental to performance as it believed to control luck and other external factors.
According to Singer 2002 What is the goal of a Pre-Performance Routine? Create an optimal internal state for performance- optimal emotions, Focused, Confident, Perceived Control.
According to Boutcher and Crews 1987 why do Pre-Performance Routines benefit performance? Attentional Control= Direct Attention away from irrelevant cues and also allows the performer to not think about winning or losing the game. Warm Up Decrement= Creates physical and psychological readiness. Automatic Skill Execution= Prevents over-thinking which allows fluid skill execution.
According to Singer 2002 what happens when an athlete cannot fulfill there Pre-Performance? Primarily happens if you have lots of preparation time but no cannot fulfill your routine. Over Thinking, Distractions, Loss of Confidence, Overly Elevated Emotions, which cumulatively decrease decrease the probability of high performance and decreases consistency.
Do Elite athletes have in generally have longer or shorter and less-complex/complex routines than non-elite? More Complex and Longer Routines.
What are the differences between a Macro-routine and Micro-routine? Micro-routines are performed on the day of competition, whereas Macro-routines are performed in the weeks prior to competition.
In Lonsdale and Tam (2007) what effect did following a routine have on Free Throw Performance? It improved performance through improving timing and behavioral consistency.
According to Singer (2002) what factors does the ideal Pre-Performance Routine Involve? Self-regulation of thoughts and emotions, Narrow/Deep and sustained Concentration, Ideal Self-Efficacy wit realistic performance expectancies, A quiet mind, Optimal visual orientation, Consistency in routine generation, Automaticity in performing routine.
Name & describe the 5 steps included in Singer’s model for closed skill routines:


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