Skeletal System


Anatomy & Physiology Bones Joints Components Types
Kylie Miller
FlashCards por Kylie Miller, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kylie Miller
Criado por Kylie Miller mais de 7 anos atrás

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Skeletal System Bones Cartilage Joints Ligaments
Axial Skull Vertebrae Thoracic Column 80 bones
Appendicular Upper and Lower Limbs 126 bones
Osteocytes Bone Cells
Joints hold bones and allow mobility
Osteoclasts bone destroying cell known as the (Dissolver)
Osteoblast Osteocyte trapped in the lacunae and stores calcium (Formation)
Hematopoiesis Blood cell formation
Ossification Bone growth
Lucanae cavity containing bone cells called osteocytes
marrow cavity where bones store fat
Ligaments are fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone
Tendons attach muscle to bone
Hyaline Cartilage on the joint surface of each bone
Parathyroid Hormone The hormone that increases the reabsorption of calcium from bones
Calcitonin The hormone that decreases the reabsorption of calcium from bones
Yellow Bone marrow is mostly made up of adipose tissue
Red Bone marrow that produces platelets, RBC's, and WBC's
4 types of bones Flat, Short, Long, Irregular
Lacunae Osteocytes are in the spaces called
Matrix Calcium salts & collagen make up the ______ of bone tissue
Canaliculi Osteocytes communicate via __________
Articular ________ cartilage covers the opposing surfaces of synovial joints
Periosteum the fibrous connective tissue that covers bone
Amphiarthrosis joints slightly moveable pubic symphasis
Synarthrosis Joints immovable cranial sutures
Diarthrosis Joints freely moveable shoulder, knee, elbow
Gomphosis teeth
Bursa a sac of synovial fluid that provides cushion in a synovial joint
Collagen Protein in the diet is needed to form the _____ in the bone matrix of a growing child
Haversian Systems Compact bone is made up of columns called Osteons or _________ _________
Connective Tissue Bone tissue is made up of this
Function of Skeleton support; protection; movement; storage, hematoposiesis
Central Canal longitudinal canal containing vascular elements and nervous tissue located in the center of an osteon
Abduction move a part away from the midline
Paranasal Sinuses four pairs(frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, ethmoid bones) of sinuses that have opening into the nose
Chondrocytes cartilage cells
Trabeculae the bony portion of the spongy bone that surround the open spaces
Joint Capsule Made of the body's strongest and toughest material, fibrous connective tissue, and is lined with a smooth slippery synovial, membrane
Cartilage a specialized fibrous connective tissue that has the consistency of a firm plastic or gristle-like gel rebuild itself very slowly after injury
Ligaments Connect bone to bone
Tendons connect muscle to bone
Joint Projections Head, Facet, Condyle, Ramus
Joint Depressions Fissure, Foramen, Fossa


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