Blood Physiology


bacalaureat Physiology Mapa Mental sobre Blood Physiology, criado por Caroline Oxford em 21-05-2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mapa Mental por Caroline Oxford, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Criado por Caroline Oxford mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Blood Physiology
  1. Blood Values
    1. Haematocrit (packed RBC)= 45%
      1. Volume About 5l
        1. Plasma K+ 4.5 mmol/l-1
          1. Plasma Na+ 140 mmol/l-1
            1. Random Glucose 5 mmol/l-1 Fasting 4.4-6.1
              1. Platelet count 300,000/mm3
                1. pH 7.35-7-45
                  1. Plasma volume 40ml kg-1 body weight
                    1. Haemoglobin count 12-14 W, 14-16g/dl-1 in men
                      1. RBC count 4-6x10 to the 12L-1
    2. Plasma 55%
      1. Albumin
        1. A protein made in liver
          1. highest concentration, contributes to colloid osmotic pressure
          2. Globulins
            1. specific transport proteins
              1. eg. Transferrin for iron
              2. Clotting factors
                1. Inactive precursors of certain hormones
                  1. eg. Angiotensinogen
                  2. Immunoglobulins, act as circulating antibodies
                  3. Fibrinogen
                    1. converted to Fibrin during clotting
                    2. Serum=Plasma without Fibrinogen (Platelets)
                    3. Erythrocytes
                      1. Develop in liver, spleen + lymph nodes before birth
                        1. Develop in the marrow of long bones, then ribs, pelvis etc as we get older
                          1. formed from Erythroid cell (committed stem cell)
                            1. 120 day life span
                            2. Erythropoiesis
                              1. controled by Kidneys- Produces Erythroprotein
                                1. Reads O2 levels, not haemoglobin level
                                  1. High altitudes increases Erythropoiesis
                                2. Needs VitB12 & Folic acid
                                  1. From Diet
                                    1. Parietal cells in stomach, secrete intrinsic factor which binds to B12
                                      1. Lack of Intrinsic factor, results in less VitB12. Pt often jaundice from Bilirubin (from breakdown of RBC)
                                      2. Needs Iron for Haemoglobin
                                  2. Blood Groups
                                    1. 0 Group
                                      1. No Antigens on cell
                                        1. Anti-A & Anti-B in plasma
                                          1. Universal Donor
                                            1. Must receive O
                                      2. A Group
                                        1. A Antigens
                                          1. Anti-B
                                            1. Must recieve A
                                              1. All 3 can recieve O
                                        2. B Group
                                          1. B Antigens
                                            1. Anti-A
                                              1. Must recieve B
                                          2. AB Group
                                            1. A&B Antigens
                                              1. No Antibodies
                                                1. Universal recipient
                                            2. All IgM antibodies
                                          3. WBC + Platelets


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