percussive progress vinyl cover


Mapa Mental sobre percussive progress vinyl cover, criado por Lucas Elwall em 18-10-2019.
Lucas Elwall
Mapa Mental por Lucas Elwall, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Lucas Elwall
Criado por Lucas Elwall aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

percussive progress vinyl cover
  1. target audience
    1. slightly older people
      1. could bring back memories
      2. high income people
        1. vinyl records are expensive, £20-£60 or more
        2. anyone could get this album its there taste
          1. 14-60 years of age
          2. front cover
            1. back cover
              1. record company on the back to give them credit "the reccords"
                1. colours
                  1. space colours
                    1. blues
                      1. reds
                        1. purples
                          1. green
                      2. retro
                        1. 63cm wide
                          1. 31.5cm high
                          2. planets
                            1. "fifth planet on the left"
                              1. galaxy
                              2. musical instrumets
                                1. key board
                                  1. drums
                                  2. planet like saturn with a ring going around it
                                    1. instead of the ring, instruments
                                    2. bands name
                                    3. images
                                      1. space
                                        1. saturn
                                          1. ring
                                          2. asteroids
                                          3. key board
                                            1. drums
                                              1. these images could fly around saturn as the ring
                                              2. not boring
                                                1. bright
                                              3. purposes
                                                1. eye catching
                                                  1. easy to see
                                                    1. atrractive
                                                      1. so people can buy
                                                      2. engaging
                                                        1. nostalgia
                                                          1. retro


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