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K+ in the Kidney
300 Physiology Mapa Mental sobre K+ in the Kidney, criado por Lucy Clapcott em 15-10-2015.
Sem etiquetas
Mapa Mental por
Lucy Clapcott
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Lucy Clapcott
aproximadamente 9 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
K+ in the Kidney
in a normal diet we consume far to much potassium
body has to deal with this in some way = excretion
the nephron
low potassium - absorption of K+ into bones
normal or high potassium - more secretion of potassium
conc. ICF = 150mM and ECF = 4mM
maintained in a very close range - above 5mM = hyperkalemia and below 3.5mM = hypokalemia
body tries to maintain a net balance of 0
why is the conc of K+ important?
High ICF conc.
maintain cell volume - pump action
regulation of pH
control of enzyme function
control DNA and protein synthesis
control of growth and cell proliferation
Low ECF conc.
maintain steep K+ gradient across membrane
maintain potential of cells
Low levels of K+ prevents problems with excitation and contraction
Action potential firing
Muscle contraction
Cardiac rhythmicity
Physiological role of K+
cell volume maintenance
Low K+ = cell shrinkage
High K+ = cell swelling
intracellular pH regulation
low K+ = cell acidosis
high K+ = cell alkalosis
enzyme function
DNA/ protein synthesis
lack of K+ results in reduction of protein synthesis = stunted growth
roles of transmembrane K+ ratio
resting membrane potential
reduced K+ inside to outside - depolarization
increased K+ inside to outside - hyperpolarization
neuromuscular activity
low plasma K+ - muscle weakness, paralysis, vasodilation and respiratory failure
high plasma K+ - conduction disturbances, arrhythmia and fibrillation
cardiac activity
low K+ - slow conduction of pacemaker cells, arrhythmia
High K+ - conduction disturbances, arrhythmia and fibrillation
Vascular resistance
Low K+ - vaso-constriction
high K+ - vaso-dilation
K+ and the heart
high conc. = heart fibrillation and death
low conc. = low T wave, high U wave
overall K+ homeostasis - daily intake = excreted, net = 0
most K+ excreted via urine
when intake is greater than excreted amount we have a + balance
when intake is less than excreted we have a - balance
how does body respond to changes in K+
extracellular renal function - increase K+ uptake into cells
increase pump function and secrete more K+
intracellular renal function - regulation of reabsorption and secretion of K+ along nephron - occurs after several hours
extra renal affects of EPO,insulin, aldosterone
more sodium out, more potassium in
EPO released from chromatin cells form the adrenal medulla increases Na+ K+ ATPase activity
insulin released from beta cells
aldosterone released from zone glomerulosa cells from adrenal cortex
intra-renal effects - GFR x K+ plasma = daily filtered load
depends on diet - increase in K+ in diet, increase in K+ filtered load
low diet of K+ reabsorption
proximal tubule
paracellular pathway
apical K+ channels
sets up voltage across membrane
67% reabsorbed
minimal secretion to lumen
thick ascending limb
20% reabsorbed
paracellular pathway
distal tubule
collecting duct
reabsorption: intercalated cells (30%)
K+/H+ exchanger
pH important
Na+ reabsorption and K+ section principle cells (70%)
aldosterone is important
K+ Cl- co transporter
low K+ = low flow rate, low/no secretion
normal or increased K+
distal tubule
collecting duct
excreted in urine
secretion- high plasma K+, action of aldosterone
when we have high K+ we see different things occurring in all areas of the body - lungs, liver, adrenal glands, heart and kidney
if we increase plasma K+ we stimulate the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone
Late distal tubule and collecting duct
ROMK1 is important
ENaC activity - cell more positive and lumen more negative
increase in Na+ K+ ATPase activity on BL membrane
entry of Na+ makes cell potential more positive = driving force for K+ exit across apical membrane (secretion)
increase pump function and therefore increase K+
Increase Na+ K+ Activity
change in electrochemical gradient - aldosterone is secreted
K+ permeability increases and K+ is secreted
Activation of Na+ K+ ATPase - increases intracellular K+
increases K+ secreted across apical membrane - collecting duct and late distal tubule
proximal tubule
thick ascending limb
secretion is high compared to single flow rate
K+ homeostasis is crucial for survival - ICF = 150mM and ECF = 4mM
Hormones effect tubular flow rate in K+ secretion
various segments of nephron involved in reabsorption and secretion
K+ can be transported into tissues
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