Approaches and Methods in English as a Second Language


ESL Approaches and Methods
Mapa Mental por claudiarbanuelos, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por claudiarbanuelos quase 9 anos atrás

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Approaches and Methods in English as a Second Language
  1. Instructional Models should....
    1. Be grounded in scientifically based research
      1. Explain what is learned and how it is learned
        1. Provide guidance for instruction
          1. CALLA Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
            1. 1. A Content Based Curriculum
              1. Major/High Priority Topics
              2. 2. Academic Language & Literacy Development
                1. Four Domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Intense Scaffolding
                2. 3. Learning Strategies Instruction
                  1. Second Language Acquisition
                    1. Content
                    2. Stephen Krashen Comprehensible Input Affective Filter
                    3. SIOP Sheltered Instructional Observation Protocol
                      1. 1. Lesson Preparation
                        1. 2. Buidling Background
                          1. 3. Comprehensible Input
                            1. 4. Strategies
                              1. 5. Interaction
                                1. 6. Practice and Application
                                  1. 7. Delivery
                                    1. 8. Review & Assessment
                                      1. James Cummins BICS CALP CUP SUP
                                        1. CALLA SIOP
                                      2. Learning Strategies
                                        1. Cognitive
                                          1. Mental or Physical Manipulation of Material to be learned
                                            1. * Resourcing - graphic organizers *Grouping * Note Taking * Elaboration - activation of background knowledge
                                          2. Metacognitive
                                            1. Student's own cognitive process
                                            2. Social Affective
                                              1. * Cooperation * Self-talk to Increase Confidence * Asking for Clarification


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