100 - People Value a Product More Highly When it's Physically in Front of Them


Notas sobre 100 - People Value a Product More Highly When it's Physically in Front of Them, criado por Grace Trimble em 22-01-2020.
Grace Trimble
Notas por Grace Trimble, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Grace Trimble
Criado por Grace Trimble mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

100 - People Value a Product More Highly When it's Physically in Front of Them      Main Idea - People value a product higher when it's physically in front of them, as opposed to seeing a photo or reading a text description of the item.        This works with valuing food, toys, samples, etc. People illicit a response to physical items that causes them to perceive it at a higher value.

Página 2

What does this mean?

This means that brick and mortar stores have an advantage by having products on hand. They are able to charge more because of the physical experience and response from consumers.


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