Consumer Behaviour (1)


Cork Institute of Technology Consumer Behaviour Notas sobre Consumer Behaviour (1), criado por licorkery em 30-09-2013.
Notas por licorkery, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por licorkery quase 11 anos atrás

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Página 1

WHAT IS CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR?- The study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use or dispose of products, services,ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.( - We don't just buy the product, we buy the experiences.  - We act differently in different circumstances. )CONSUMER BAHAVIOUR DYNAMICS                                       Cognition                +       Personal + Enviromental Factors                                ( thought process )                                  /                              \                                 /                                 \                         Affect                              Conation                    ( emotions )    -------------  ( intended behaviour )PERSPECTIVES ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR      ( NB )Consumer behaviour research can be guided by one of two main perspectives, these perspectives are positivism ( rational reason / one reason why someone behaves the way they do ) and interpretivism ( multiple reasons why someone behaves the way they do ). The positivist perspective emphasises the the objectivity of science and the consumer as a rational decision maker. The interpretivist perspective in contrast, stresses the subjective meaning of the consumer's individual experience and the idea that any behaviour is subject to multiple interpretations rather than to one single explanation. ETHICSEthics are standards against which people judge right and wrong.Eg: Airbrushing

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