2020 cycle 1 final corrective


cycle 1 Physiology Quiz sobre 2020 cycle 1 final corrective, criado por Elisabeth Haasen em 10-11-2021.
Elisabeth Haasen
Quiz por Elisabeth Haasen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elisabeth Haasen
Criado por Elisabeth Haasen quase 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Which of following statements properly describe characteristics of facilitated diffusion?
  • In facilitated diffusion, membrane carriers enable movement of molecules through the cellular membrane against concentration gradient
  • Particular membrane carrier is able to transfer one particular type of molecules soluble in water
  • Facilitated diffusion characterizes with finite rate of transfer of substance defined as maximum saturation
  • Water molecules pass from the cell of the collecting duct to its lumen through the system of facilitated diffusion called AQP2

Questão 2

Which of the following statements properly describe agglutination:
  • Administration of aspirin slows the process of agglutination
  • Agglutination is in vitro phenomenon resulting from an interaction between the agglutinogen and agglutinin
  • Gamma globulins of IgM class easily agglutinate erythrocytes in room temperature
  • Agglutination is slowed by albumin molecules

Questão 3

3. Which of following statement concerning active transport are true?
  • Na/K ATP-ase exchanges 2 sodium ions for 1 potassium ion. Each such exchange requires two ATP molecules
  • Co-transportation of glucose and sodium ions requires previous action of Na/K ATP-ase. Such the mechanism is an example of secondary active transport
  • Calcium ions are actively pumped into cellular cytosol by the calcium ATP-ase. This mechanism maintains higher concentration of calcium in cellular cytosol than in ECF
  • Active transport mechanisms are able to move substances against concentration gradient

Questão 4

4. Which of following statements properly describes beta-adrenergic receptors?
  • B-adrenergic receptor is a ligand-gated channels
  • Actively of some adrenergic receptors brings EPSP to the postsynaptic membranes
  • Beta-adrenergic receptors initiate transduction resulting with activation of adenylate cyclase
  • Activation of beta-adrenergic receptors up-regulates synthesis of cAMP

Questão 5

Which of following statements concerning thromboxane A2 (TxA2) are true?
  • It activates fibrinolysis
  • TxA2 activates platelets- it intensifies their degranulation (release of the content of granules).
  • It prevents aggregation of platelets
  • It mediates vascular contraction

Questão 6

Which of following statements properly concern eosinophils?
  • They migrate in large number into tissues infected by parasites where they release hydrolytic enzymes
  • They release heparin, histamine as well as small quantities of bradykinin and serotonin
  • They belong to the adaptive immune system. They are not able to phagocyte
  • They aggregate in tissues where allergic reactions occur, (peribronchial tissue in people with asthma).
  • They exhibit chemotaxis

Questão 7

Which of following statements concern G-protein coupled receptors?
  • G-protein coupled receptors hydrolyses GTP, transferred from G-protein to the binding site of the receptor
  • Muscarinic receptor is an example of G-protein coupled receptor
  • All adrenergic receptors belong to family of G-protein coupled receptors
  • G-protein coupled receptors are metabotropic, they initiate formation of second messengers: cAMP or IP3

Questão 8

Actions of Heparin are:
  • it inhibits activity of plasma coagulation factors I and IV.
  • it activates natural anticoagulant protein of plasma- antithrombin III
  • it inhibits activity of activated Stuart factor and thrombin (factors X and II)
  • It intensifies adhesion and degranulation of platelets
  • It intensifies proteolytic degradation of plasminogen

Questão 9

Which of following receptors are ionotropic receptor for cations?
  • IP3 receptor
  • Ryanodine receptor
  • Glycine receptors
  • GABAA receptor
  • Nicotinic receptor

Questão 10

10. Put following cations of the extracellular fluid ECF in proper order; Being from the most concentrated; Select one;
  • Magnesium-sodium-calcium
  • Potassium-sodium-calcium-magnesium
  • Potassium-calcium-magnesium-sodium
  • Sodium- potassium-calcium-magnesium
  • Sodium -calcium- potassium- magnesium

Questão 11

Which of following sentences are true?
  • immunoglobulins against antigen D of Rhesus system develop in childhood
  • Immediately after birth the quantify of agglutins in the plasma of the newborn is almost zero
  • Immunoglobulins against ABO blood type is produced by the fetus before their birth
  • Agglutinins in ABO system are produced in effect of immunization against antigens A and B commonly present in environment

Questão 12

Muraminidase: = Lysozyme
  • it is a part of innate immune response
  • It activates complement cascade
  • It is an enzyme that performs bacterial lysis
  • It is present in plasmocytes

Questão 13

Find right sentences concerning transportation of CO2 in blood;
  • 5-7% of all the CO2 is transported physically dissolved in blood
  • 50% of C02 is converted to bicarbonate. Process is catalyzed angiotensin converting enzyme.
  • All the bicarbonate produced in erythrocytes and exchanged for chloride. It is called Hamburger’s phenomenon.
  • Part of CO2 is reversibly bound to hemoglobin, forming carboxyhemoglobin

Questão 14

In Rhesus system of blood;
  • D antigen the oligosaccharide bound to the cellular membrane
  • D antigen is the most immunogenic (the strongest component of the system
  • All antigens of the Rhesus system are proteins located only on membranes of erythrocytes
  • Agglutinins are synthesized in RhD-negative individuals after exposure to RhD- positive blood

Questão 15

Which of following events DO NOT match the signal transduction of G protein coupled receptor.
  • Autophosphorylation of tyrosine residues of B-subunit of the receptor B-subunit phosphorylates other proteins
  • Binding of the ligand to its native receptor, receptor activates
  • Receptor interacts with G protein to promote a conformational change and the exchange of GDP to GTP
  • Subunits of G protein interact with their appropriate enzymes, activating various second messenger pathways and other effector proteins

Questão 16

16. Which of following results of blood tests may suggest improperly low activity/ concentration of thrombin?
  • prolonged time of the clotting time test
  • prolonged prothrombin time
  • prolonged time of bleeding time test
  • prolonged time of Rumpel-Leede test

Questão 17

  • it produces contraction of cells of the deferent duct
  • it upregulates synthesis IP3 in smooth muscle cells of the uterus
  • It is responsible for milk ejection due to contraction of myoepithelial cells
  • It has galactopoietic activity- it stimulates production of milk

Questão 18

Action of glucocorticoids (cortisol) are;
  • rise of liberation of histamine from mast cells
  • rise of gluconeogenesis
  • rise of plasma concentration free fatty acids
  • intensification of catecholamine dependant bronchodilation

Questão 19

Which of following statements concerning coagulation are proper:
  • Thrombin dependent factors are factors I, II, X and XII
  • Thrombin is a proteolytic enzyme catalyzing conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin.
  • Vitamin K is necessary in process of post-translatory modification of prothrombin in liver.
  • Exposition of thrombin to fibrin degradation products accelerate coagulation

Questão 20

Hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the left due to: left = increased affinity
  • Decline of the temperature.
  • Rise of 2,3 BPG.
  • Impulses from carotid bodies.
  • Rise of pH.
  • Hypercapnia (rise of pCO2)

Questão 21

Actions of heparin are:
  • It inhibits activity of plasma coagulation factors I and IV.
  • It activates natural anticoagulant protein of plasma – antithrombin III.
  • It inhibits activity of activated Stuart factor and thrombin (factors X and II).
  • It intensifies adhesion and degranulation of platelets.
  • It intensifies proteolytic degradation of plasminogen.

Questão 22

Find true statements concerning vasopressin:
  • It increase water reabsorption from the collecting duct via AQP2 up-regulated after hormone binds to VP1 receptor
  • In smooth musculature of vessels, it up-regulates synthesis of IP3 in smooth muscle cells, eliciting contraction.
  • It’s plasma level rises in effect of decreasing osmotic pressure of blood and cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Decompression of baroreceptors of the carotid sinus and aortic arch increases liberation of that hormone.
  • It inhibits complex of thirst.

Questão 23

Which of following sentences are true?
  • 5-7 % of all the CO2 is transported physically dissolved in blood.
  • 40 % of CO2 is converted to bicarbonate. Process is catalyzed carbonic anhydrase
  • Part of CO2 is reversibly bound to hemoglobin, such a molecule is called carbaminohemoglobin.-
  • All the bicarbonate produced in erythrocytes is exchanged for phosphate. It’s called Hamburger’s phenomenon

Questão 24

Which of following statements properly describe characteristics of facilitated diffusion?
  • in facilitated diffusion, membrane carriers enable movement of molecules through the cellular membrane against concentration gradient
  • Particular membrane carrier is able to transfer one particular type of molecules soluble in water.
  • Facilitated diffusion characterizes with finite rate of transfer of substance defined as maximum saturation.
  • Water molecules pass from the cell of the collecting duct to its lumen through the system of facilitated diffusion called AQP2

Questão 25

  • It is a part of innate immune response.
  • It activates complement cascade.
  • It is an enzyme of saliva binding iron necessary for proliferation of microbs.
  • It is an enzyme of saliva reducing Fe2+ toFe3+.

Questão 26

Which of following receptors are intracellular ionotropic receptor for cations?
  • P3 receptor.
  • Ryanodine receptor.
  • Glycine receptors.
  • GABAA receptor
  • Nicotinic receptors.

Questão 27

Action of glucocorticoids (cortisol) are:
  • It up-regulates liberation of histamine from mast cells.
  • It intensifies gluconeogenesis in liver.
  • It down-regulates number of lymphocytes and eosinophils.
  • It intensifies catecholamine-dependent bronchoconstriction
  • It increases GFR

Questão 28

Which of following statements properly describes beta-adrenergic (β-adrenergic) receptors?
  • β-adrenergic receptor is a ligand-gated channels.
  • Activity of some adrenergic receptors brings fEPSP to the postsynaptic membranes.
  • Beta-adrenergic receptors initiate transduction resulting with activation of adenylate cyclase.
  • Activation of beta -adrenergic receptors up-regulates synthesis of cAMP.

Questão 29

Put following cations of the extracellular fluid (ECF) in proper order. Begin from the least concentrated:
  • Sodium-potassium-calcium- magnesium
  • Sodium- calcium - potassium - magnesium
  • Potassium-sodium-calcium- magnesium
  • Magnesium-calcium-potassium-sodium


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