Questão 1
4. Tapping of patellar elicits reflex contraction of quadriceps muscle, Which of following precedes contraction of quadriceps femoris?
Ia afferents from quadriceps muscle spindle increase their rate of
Ib afferents from Golgi tendon organ increase their rate of firing
alpha-motor neurons innervating extradural muscle fibers increase their rate of firing
gamma-motor neurons innervate intrafusal muscle increase their rate of firing
The alpha-motoneurons to the antagonist muscles increase their rate of firing
Questão 2
5. Which of following are elements of reflex arc of the inverse stretch reflex?
Inhibitory interneuron of the spinal cord
Gamma motor neuron innervate extrafusal skeletal muscle cells
Golgi tendon organ
Ib sensory fiber from the annulospiral ending e9
Alpha-motor neuron innervate extrafusal skeletal muscle cells
C fiber collecting input from the muscle spindle
Sensory protoneuron of the dorsal root ganglion collecting input from type La sensory fiber
Questão 3
2.EEG , normal healthy human
alfa- awake with eyes closed, relaxing
beta – awake, aroused with eyes open
gamma – focus attention on something
delta - sleep
teta - sleep
Questão 4
-6. Cerebellar dysfunctions
resting tremor
ignition tremor
Intention tremor
adiadkinesia, didiadokin
muscle aphnemia
Questão 5
13.Which basal ganglia form the corpus striatum
Questão 6
15. Defect of right geniculocalcarine tract result in decrease visual acuity in?
temporal half of left retina
temporal half of right retina
nasal half of right retina
nasal half of left retina
both half of hemis retina
Questão 7
2. EEG in normal healthy awake adults:
Questão 8
5. Defects of right geniculocalcarine tract (left optic radiation)?
Temporal half of left retina
Temporal half of right retina
Nasal half of left retina
Nasal half of right retina
Both half of hemis retina
Questão 9
7. What is the main function of Granule cells of cerebellar cortex?
They excite Purkinje cells via their parallel fibers
They excite Golgi and Stellate cells via their parallel fibers
They excite Purkinje cells via their mossy fibers
They excite Golgi and Stellate cells via their mossy fibers
They inhibit Purkinje, Basket, Golgi and Stellate cells via their parallel fibers
They inhibit deep cerebellar nuclei via their mossy fibers
Questão 10
10. Primary sensory cortex:
Detects specific sensory cortex, input of the peripheral organs
Analyzes of specific sensory input
Located in postcentral gyrus of Parietal lobe
Located in Cingulate gyrus
Questão 11
11. Afferent pathways of Spinal cord:
Anterior and lateral spinothalamic tract pass through ventral posterolateral nuclei of thalamus
All afferent pathways are crossed by corticospinal tract
Spinothalamic tract conduct exteroceptive, proprioceptive and teleoceptive sensation
Second neuron can be located in spinal cord of Medulla oblongata
Questão 12
-14. What is true about muscle stretch receptors?
The flower ending formed by Ia fibers -
The annulospiral ending formed by Ib fibers
The annulospiral ending is formed by Ia fibers
The golgi tendon organ has primary plate ending formed by Ib fibers
Questão 13
-15. Purkinje cells?
Excitatory climbing fibers
Release neurotransmitter
Release GABA as neurotransmitter
Release GABA and Glycine as neurotransmitter
Inhibitory.... (missing rest of question)
Questão 14
-17. Phototransduction – in correct order:
a. Retinal configuration from less energetic cis configuration to more energetic trans-configuration
b. Hyperpolarization
c. Closure of Na+ channels dependent on cGMP
d. Opening of Na+ channels dependent on cGMP
e. Activation of transducin
f. Reduced concentration of cGMP
a, c, e, f, d
a, e, f, c, b
a, f, e, c, b
a, e, f, b, c
Questão 15
Emmetropia correction?
Questão 16
Hyperopia correction?
Questão 17
Myopia correction?
Questão 18
Astigmatism correction?
Questão 19
20) True statement
A. Bone conduction compared to air conduction in Rinne-test
B. Sound conduction is heard louder in defect ear in Weber-test
C. Bone conduction is the main sound conduction
Sound frequency ranges between 6Hz – 10KHz
Questão 20
21. Hair cells are located in:
Questão 21
24. What is true about paccinian corpsules?
A. They are rapidly adapting
B. They are slow adapting
C. They cover large area of the skin
D. They cover short area of the skin
Questão 22
27. Slow superficial pain:
A. Is not transmitted to Cerebral cortex
B. Transmitted by unmyelinated C-fibers
C. Is “bright” and easy to locate
D. Is “gated” by Spinal cord
E. Is modulated by interneurons of gelatinous substance in the posterior horn
Questão 23
1. Which of following statements concerning antinociceptive system of the dorsal ... are true:
tactile cutaneous stimulation conducted by A beta fibers inhibits pain, conducted by C fibers
proprioceptive stimulation conducted by A gamma fibers inhibits fast pain conducted by A ...fibers
presynaptic inhibition of pain is performed by descending hyperpolarizing on 2nd order
tactile cutaneous stimulation conducted by C fibers inhibits pain, conducted by A beta-fibers
Questão 24
2. Identify right statements concerning pain pathways:
fast pain fibers of the spinal cord liberate excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate
most of slow pain fibers finish in reticular formation, rectal area and perpendicular grey region
upon entering the spinal cord fast and slow pain fibers synapse with the same population of neurons
paleospinothalamic tract transmits impulses concerning quality, intensity and location of pain
Questão 25
3. Nociception is NOT conducted by:
lateral spinothalamic tract
same pathway as the sense of vibration and fine, precise touch
same pathway pathway as the input from thermoreceptors
anterior spinothalamic tract
Questão 26
4. Tapping of patellar tendon elicit a reflex contraction of the quadriceps muscle. Which of the following precedes the contraction of the quadriceps femoris
Ia afferents from the quadriceps muscle spindle increase their rate of firing
Ib afferent from the Golgi tendon organ increase their ring of firing
α-motoneurons (alpha) innervating the extrafusal muscle fibers increase their rate of firing
γ-motoneurons(gamma) innervating the intrafusal muscle fibers increase their rate of firing
α-motoneurons to the antagonistic muscles increase their rate of firing
Questão 27
5. Which of the following are elements of the reflex arc of the inverse-stretch reflex?
Inhibitory interneuron of the spinal cord
Gamma motor neuron innervating extrafusal skeletal muscle cells
Golgi tendon organ
Ib sensory fiber from the annulospiral ending
Alpha-motor neuron innervating extrafusal skeletal muscle cells
C fiber collecting input from the muscle spindle
Sensory protoneuron of the dorsal root ganglion collecting input from type Ia sensory fiber
Questão 28
6. Pyramidal pathways are essential for which of following activities:
Speech and writing
respiratory movements of a diaphragm and intercostal muscles
Motor activities performed with hands and fingers such as taping keyboards
kinesthesia and stereo agnosia
Questão 29
7. Gracile fasciculus pathway is composed of:
a. Neurons in posterior horn of the spinal cord
b. Dorsal root ganglion cell
c. Neurons in nucleus gracilis
d. Neurons in ventral (posterolateral??) nuclei of thalamus
e. Neurons in postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex
Questão 30
8. Lesion of precentral gyrus of the left frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere leads to:
Inability to perform voluntary movements
Fluent aphasia
Loss of coordination of movements
Spastic tone of the contralateral skeletal muscles due to damage of the upper neuron of the pyramidal tract
Questão 31
9.Which of the following sentences describe properly fasciculus gracilis:
it collects sensory input from lower part of the body
it collect sensory input from upper part of the body
conducts impulses from muscle spindles + Golgi tendon organs
it conveys crude (light) tough and temperature sense
it conveys fine (discriminative) touch and vibration sense
Second-order neuron is located in medulla oblongata
Second order neuron is located in posterior horn of the spinal cord -
Questão 32
10. Identify statements concerning lateral corticospinal tract
it innervates bilaterally axial muscles (muscles proximal to the trunk)
it crosses the midline in pyramidal decussation
first order neurons of the pathways synapse in nucleus rubber
it reduces the muscular tone of flexors
Questão 33
11. Describe properly the characteristics of the spinothalamic tract:
it is 2 neuron sensory tract that is localized in anterolateral neural pathways system
it is a 3-neuron sensory tract that is localized in dorsal columns of the spinal cord
it conveys sensation modalities such as ticide and itch, temperature, light touch and pressure
it passes to the contralateral CNS side on the level of the medulla oblongata
it terminates finally in the somatosensory cortex
Questão 34
12. Indicate correct statements concerning Purkinje cells of cerebellar cortex:
liberate GABA producing inhibitory effect to neurons of deep cerebellar nuclei
they project excitatory output to basket and stellate cells through GABAc receptor
They are excited by glutamate liberated by axon terminals of climbing fibers and parallel fibers
they are directly activated by mossy fibers
project excitatory axons converging on deep cerebellar nuclei
Questão 35
13. Which statements are right?
Climbing fiber input exerts a strong excitatory effect on single Purkinje cell
Basket cells project to deep cerebellar nuclei
Mossy fibers come from all possible sources except for inferior olivary nuclei
Mossy fibers come from inferior olivary nuclei -
Questão 36
14. Identify right statements concerning cerebellar function:
Damage of the flocculonodular lobe lead to nystagmus
Input from cerebro-porto-cerebellar pathways enters dentate nucleus of vestibulocerebellum
Anterior cerebellospinal tract distribute proper rate and strength of muscle cells to postural muscles
Damage of the cerebellum results with discoordination of all movements (ataxia)
Questão 37
15. Which of the following are direct effects of action of gamma motoneurons?
a) stimulate extrafusal muscle fibers to contract
b) help maintaining activity of Ia afferent during contraction
c) stimulate activity in Ib afferent fibers
d) detect the length of resting skeletal muscles
e) produce contraction of the nuclear bag and nuclear chain fibers
Questão 38
18. Identify right statements concerning the ß- rhythm appearing on an EEG recording
appears when a patient's eyes open
forms sleep spindles of the EEG recording
ecorded during NREM sleep of healthy adults
represents activity that is the most specific for the frontal region of the conscious brain
Questão 39
19. Identify correct statements concerning hyperopia (farsightedness):
Near point of vision can be located 1 meter from the eye
It is related to increased focal length of the eyeball
it is corrected by concave lenses
Near objects are focused on retina while far objects not
Questão 40
20. Right LGN (lateral geniculate nucleus) is entered by input from:
Temporal half of the left retina
Temporal half of the right retina
Nasal half of the left retina
Nasal half of the tight retina
Both left hemiretinas (left of both retinas)
Questão 41
21. In conductive loss of hearing (conductive deafness) of right ear
In Weber's test, sound is heard louder by the right ear
Rinne's test of the right ear is positive
Patient's hearing of the right ear is longer than the examiner's in Schwabach's test
Air conduction of the right ear is better bone conduction
Questão 42
22. Which of the following statements concerning Visual acuity are NOT true:
Is tested by Snellen letter chart
is normal when eye is able to discriminate details separated by a visual angle of 5 minutes of arc (1 minute of arc = 1/60 degree)
it depends on defects of focusing
depends on the state of rods
Questão 43
23. Rhodopsin is:
Composed of transducin and photopsin
the G-protein of cones
The serpentine receptor coupled with G-protein, which activates enzyme PDE
It is a ligand gated channel similar to muscarinic receptor
Metabotropic receptor located on free floating discs of the outer segment of rods
Questão 44
5. Identify right statement concerning the alpha-rhythm appearing in EEG:
It is present in awake patients with eyes open
Made up by low frequency high amplitude waves frequency is 8-13 Hz
it forms sleep spindle of EEG
It is typically recorded in occipital lobe (or similar)
Typical rhythm of frontal lobe are in unconscious and conscious person