Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Basic Concepts of Biomechanics
- Newtons 3
Laws of Motions
- 1st Law
- An object remains in a
state of rest unless acted
upon by an external force
- 2nd Law
- When a force acts upon an
object the motion experience is
proportionate to the size of the
force and in the direction applied
- 3rd Law
- For every action there
is an equal and
opposite reaction
- Types
- Linear
- When an object moves in a straight
line with all its parts moving the same
- Angular
- When a body or part of body moves in
a circle about a point
- General
- General motion is a combo of both
angular and linear motion
- Centre
Of Mass
- An imaginary point where all of
your points of your body are equal
- Stability
- Stability is
dependent on
the center of
mass being
directly above
the base of
- Force
- 5) Can be used to change
the shape of a body
- 1) Can be used
to make a body
move at rest
- 3) Can be used to make
a moving body slow
down or stop moving
- 4) Can be used to
make a moving
body accelerate
- 2) Can be used to
make a moving body
change direction
- The force that acts
must be large enough
to overcome the
inertria of the body
- The Effect of
a force (SAD)
- Depends on the SIZE of
the force (weight) The force
that muscle can exert is
governed by the size and
number of muscle fibres
- Depends on where you
APPLY the force, if its
place off the centre of
mass then angular motion
will be produced
- Depends on the
force. If applied
through the centre
of mass then the
body will move in
the same direction
as the force