Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Biochem Important Areas
- Overall
- Course Starts
- Enzymes do things
- Reactions
- Km / Vmax
- Lineweaver Burke
- Straight line - INtercept @ X = -1/kM, Intercept at Y = 1/Vmax
- 1/V = km / Vmax * 1/S + 1/Vmax
- Michaelis Menten plots
- Curve that has an asymptote. NOT straight line
- v = km/vmax (S) + kM
- Dixon.. thing with Inhibitors
- Km is a measure of DISassociation
- Vmax is a measure of the maximum rate
- Proteins are made up of amino acids!
- There are 20 amino acids
- Basic AA
- Acidic AA
- Polar AA
- Aromatic AA
- Non-polar
- AA are joined by Dehydration Synthesis
- Dehydration Synthesis - Removes H2O to make a covalent bond
- Dehydration synthesis also joins Carbs, lipids, and Nucleic Acids
- Amino acids have two "Key" bonds that determine relative angles - Phi and psi
- Phi and Psi combinations are predicted by the Ramachandran Plot
- Has 3 major areas occupied - Right handed Alpha helices, Beta Sheets, & left handed alpha helices
- Basically, only glycine, because it has the smallest R group (just an H) can adopt other conformations
- AA can fold into alpha helices or beta sheets
- Secondary structures form motifs - Motifs build into domains
- Protein Structure
- Why Do enzymes do things??
- Energy needs to be released - NEGATIVE delta G
- Gibbs Free energy = negative is spontaneous (positive is not)
- Exergonic reactions Drive Endergonic reactions
- The value of Delta G is measured by either!
- Delta G = delta H -TdeltaS
- Delta S is entropy - disorder of a system
- Increased when proteins fold BECAUSE the water increases in entropy
- Delta G = -RTlnK
- K is the equilibrium constant ( products / Reactants, raised to exponents)
- Second area
- Lipids
- Types of
- Glycerophospho lipids
- Sphingo Lipids
- Triacyl Glycerides
- Steroids / Cholesterol
- Chemical Reactions of Lipids
- Synthesis
- Dehydration Synthesis to join
Fatty Acids to Glycerol. Usually
Ester Linkage
- Synthesis from Acetyl
CoA to a Palmitate
- Breakdown
- Usually Hydrolysis
- Breakdown from a Fatty
acid like Palmitate
- Third Area
- Carbohydrates
- General formula CnH2nOn
- Most commonly have 6 carbons and called HEXOSES
- Aldoses - Aldehyde groups
- Aldehyde is a C=O at the END of a carbon chain
- Ketoses which have ketone groups
- Ketone is a C=O in the middle of a Carbon chain
- Cyclic
- Ketal vol semi Metal
- Acetal vs. Hemiacetal
- Chair Conformations
- Linear Forms
- identification of D vsl L
- What are Examples with the
following descriptions?
- Monosaccharides
- Multiple Subunits
- Disaccharides
- Polysaccharides
- Alpha vs. Beta Linkage
- Feeder Pathways of Sugars FOR glycolysis
- Sucrose - Lactose - Trehalose - Glycogen - Galactose - Mannose
- Fourth Area
- Glycolysis
- Stage 1- Investment of Energy
- tage 2 - Chop up and Isomerize to 2x 3C
- Stage 3 - Extract Energy and make Pyruvate
- Fate of pyruvate?
- Pyruvate Dehydrogenase to make Acetyl
CoA for CAC or FA syntheis
- Ethanol Fermentation
- Lactic Acid Fermentation
- GlucoNeoGenesis
- Making Glucose from molecules that were not glucose!
- Opposite of Glycolysis
- Important Steps
- Regulation of Glycolysis
- PFK1 enzyme Regulation
- Effect of Citrate
- Effect of ATP
- Effect of Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate
- Hexokinase Regulation
- Effect of G6P
- Hexokinase IV
- Sequestration of Hexokinase IV
- Fifth area!and
- Related to Sugars and
Breakdown/ Buildup
- Glycogen Synthesis.
Start at Substrate -
move CCW
- Substrate for it
- Synthesis of glycogen by adding sugar to
which end? ( Reducing or non reducing)
- What does Branching mean?
- Liver and Skeletal muscle differences
- Red blood cell contribution
- Enzymes
- Purpose of each glycogen synthase
- Purpose of each glycogen phosphorylase
- What does T vs. R state refer to?
- Hormonal control of Glycogen synthesis
- Energy Generation and
- Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Where does it happen in
Eukaryotes? in Prokaryotes?
- Where is the electron transport chain found?
- What is the name and purpose of Complex 1
- What is the name and purpose of Complex 2
- What is the name and purpose of Complex 3
- What is the name and purpose of Complex 4 ?
- What provides this complex with e-? What
molecule takes the e- from this complex?
- What provides this complex with e-? What
molecule takes the e- from this complex?
- Which complexes or ETC members directly
transport H+ to form the H+ ion gradient?
- What provides this complex with e-? What
molecule takes the e- from this complex?
- What provides this complex with e-? What
molecule takes the e- from this complex?
- In what membrane is ATP synthase found?
- Which way does it allow diffusion of H+ ions?
- how many subunits does it have?
- What is the yield of ATP per Glucose?
- What is the yield of ATP per 16C Palmitate (a Fatty acid)
- The Krebs CYcle AKA the Citric Acid Cycle
- What are the inputs?
- How is Acetyl CoA made? (at least two possibilities)
- in detail - How does the Pyruvate
Dehydrogenase complex work? - specifically
referring to each Coenzyme - TPP, Lipoic
acid, CoA
- How does each of the
following regulate the
PDC? Why?
- Acetyl CoA - high concentration
- NADH - high concentration
- kinase / phosphatase
activities to add/remove
phosphate to PDC
- Check out the Purple
area if you arent sure
for way #2
- What other pathways / methods can put molecules INTO the Citric acid cycle
- What steps are irreversible?
Why are they irreversible?
- When is CO2 produced?
- When is NADH produced?
- Glyoxylate Cycle
- What does it make? From what starting material?
- Why is it important for Seeds to be able to use the
Glyoxylate cycle? (Think storage material of seeds)
- What organisms CAN use it?
- What organisms CANT use it?