Nutrition and Energy Systems.


Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Physical Education Studies Flashcards on Nutrition and Energy Systems., created by JoseFINE Capolingua on 08/11/2015.
JoseFINE Capolingua
Flashcards by JoseFINE Capolingua, updated more than 1 year ago
JoseFINE Capolingua
Created by JoseFINE Capolingua almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
(3) Functions of Food. 1. Fuel the body. 2. Allow tissue growth and repair. 3. Provide energy for metabolic function.
What does food provide the body with? Nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids. Vitamins. Minerals.
RDI. Recommended Daily Intake. Affected by: 1. Age. 2. Growth. 3. Activity levels.
Diet should consist of... Carbohydrates: 55% - 60% Fats: 20% - 25% Proteins: 10% - 15%
Proteins. Growth and repair of muscle tissue. Production of red blood cells, hormones and antibodies. Contributes to ATP production when fat and carbohydrate stores are low. Meat, fish, poultry and eggs.
Fats. Plentiful source of potential energy. Source of energy during rest and moderate exercise. Used when demands for energy are low as it takes a long time to break down.
Carbohydrates. Converted to blood glucose, resulting in rise in insulin. Blood glucose converted to glycogen. Stored in liver and muscles for use. Can only be used in most simple form. For high intensity exercise.
Glycemic Index. Ranking of carbohydrates based on immediate effect of blood sugar levels. Scale of 1-100.
Low GI Foods. Break down slowly and releases glucose slowly. Consume before and after an event. Apples, peanuts, sausages.
High GI Foods. Breaks down quickly and has an immediate effect on blood sugar. Consume during or immediately after an event. White bread, white rice, lollies.
Carb Loading. Increasing the amount of carbohydrates consumed prior to competition. Aim is to store extra glycogen in the muscles and liver.
ATP. Adenosine Triphosphate. Food eaten provides energy required for muscle contraction. Energy contained in nutrients form ATP, this is stored in muscle fibres. ATP releases energy when it breaks down into ADP+P.
Energy Systems. ATP/PC System. Anaerobic Glycolysis (Lactic Acid System). Aerobic Energy System.
Energy Systems and Specific Activities. First 10 secs: ATP/PC System. 30 secs in: Lactic Acid System takes over. 2 minutes in: Aerobic System contributes to ATP. 5 minutes and after: Aerobic System provides majority of energy.
ATP/PC System. ATP lasts 1-2 seconds. PC lasts 7-8 seconds. Supplies of ATP/PC recover quickly (3-4 minutes). Power sports. Sprinting, jumping, throwing, weight lifting.
Anaerobic Glycolysis. Lactic Acid System. ATP is resynthesised by the breakdown of carbohydrate. Used for sustained sprint or muscular endurance (between 45-60 secs long). Takes 60-90 minutes for optimal recovery. Lactic Acid is a byproduct, but active recovery reduces build up in muscles.
Aerobic Energy System. Oxygen is required. ATP resynthesised by nutrient breakdown. All day energy system. Carbohydrates are preferred source of energy as it requires less to produce ATP. Energy lasts all day as long as body is provided with energy.
Fluid Replacement. Essential in maintaining optimal performance levels. Dehydration reduces levels of performance and causes a deterioration of skill level.
Nutrition for Recovery. Glycogen stores and fluids must be replaced if optimal performance is to be maintained. Carbohydrates are best provided immediately following a work out as muscles are eager to restore lost glycogen. Takes around 20 hours to replenish glycogen stores.
Oxygen Consumption. Pulmonary O2 uptake. Rises sharply in first few minutes of exercise then plateaus.
Oxygen Deficit. Difference between total oxygen consumed during exercise, and the total that would have been consumed if steady state was reached immediately.
Maximal Oxygen Consumption. VO2 Max. Aerobic Capacity. When oxygen consumption plateaus or increases with additional increase in exercise.
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