Life Issues: Animals


Flashcards on Life Issues: Animals, created by lfewkes on 27/05/2016.
Flashcards by lfewkes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lfewkes over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why should religious believers not eat meat? Religious teachings encourage them not to; it is cruel, not a good taste, worry about disease.
What is meant by the term 'vegan'? They do not use any products from animals e.g. meat, eggs. This may be due to religious reasons as people believe animals should not be killed for our pleasure.
Why should/shouldn't humans hunt animals? Yes; we have domination over them, we are at the top and have the rights. No; Put animals through pain and suffering, Jesus said to show love and kindness towards animals.
Why are some animals kept in zoos? For public entertainment, educational purposes, to protect certain species, learn about them.
Why are animals good companions for people? Provide friendship for older people who are not able to get out as much, take care for each other, for entertainment and pleasure.
Why should/shouldn't religious believers not buy fur clothes? Yes; If you kill it for its meat, why not use its fur?, keeps people warm. No; As it involves the slaughter of animals, question for legality.
Describe what religious believers might do to protect wildlife Join welfare and protection groups, raise awareness, monitor the treatment of animals.
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