Unit 1: Fitness for Sport & Exercise


Unit 1 Btec L2 - components of fitness / determining ex. intensity etc
Matt Stephens
Mind Map by Matt Stephens, updated more than 1 year ago
Matt Stephens
Created by Matt Stephens almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1: Fitness for Sport & Exercise
  1. Components of PHYSICAL fitness
    1. Aerobic Endurance
      1. Muscular Endurance


        • Ability of your muscles to continue to exert force over a period of time.
        1. Flexibility
          1. Speed
            1. Strength
              1. Body Composition
              2. Components of SKILL related fitness
                1. Agility
                  1. Power
                    1. Reaction Time
                      1. Balance
                        1. Coordination
                        2. Determining Exercise Intensity
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