Plan to Health, Wealth & Confidence


Plan to build personal confidence and financial freedom through my passion for health and fitness
Stephanie Wardle
Mind Map by Stephanie Wardle, updated more than 1 year ago
Stephanie Wardle
Created by Stephanie Wardle almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Plan to Health, Wealth & Confidence
  1. Nutrition
    1. Eat Clean
      1. Protein,Fruit,Veggies
    2. Train Mean
      1. Exercise Daily
        1. Cardio
          1. Weight Lifting
            1. HIIT Training
          2. Runs
            1. Register and Run in Public 5K, 10k runs
            2. Magazines
              1. Apply as a feature for a magazine
                1. Photoshoots for professional marketing
                2. Supplement Line
                  1. Research Info
                    1. Test Trials
                      1. Develop personal line
                        1. Market
                          1. Create and market recipes including supplement
                  2. Activewear
                    1. Clothes with sayings on them
                      1. Sell online, alongside supplement line
                      2. Brand name on them
                        1. promotion, recognition
                      3. Written Journal
                        1. Document journey daily
                          1. meal prep & exercise
                            1. sell online as personal journal
                        2. Fitness Competitions
                          1. Compete in Bikini/Figure
                            1. Use as learning tool
                              1. win awards and recognition
                                1. Get noticed more professionaly, publicly
                            2. Photoshoots for professional marketing
                            3. Exercise/Meal Plan
                              1. Develop meal plans with recipes
                                1. Develop exercise plan or video series
                                  1. market and sell online
                                    1. membership style
                                      1. E-book style
                                        1. Hard copy style
                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


                                  Components of Physical Fitness
                                  Junior Cert Home Economics: Healthy Eating
                                  High and low risk foods
                                  Bob Read
                                  Chapter 5: Understanding the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model
                                  Dietary requirements through the lifecycle
                                  a stoddart
                                  Nervous system test
                                  Phil Cummins
                                  Wk 10 Nutrition Fitness and Physical Activity/ Water as a Nutrient
                                  Vilmida Castro
                                  Definitions of Components of Skill Related Fitness