Why does performance plateau


A level Physical Education Mind Map on Why does performance plateau, created by Madi Jones on 07/10/2016.
Madi Jones
Mind Map by Madi Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
Madi Jones
Created by Madi Jones over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Why does performance plateau
  1. Motivation
    1. solution: ensure the coach gives more positive feedback
    2. Boredom
      1. solution: vary the practise
      2. Coaching
        1. solution: get a new coach
        2. Limited ability
          1. solution: talk through the reason why the performer has plateaued so they do not blame themselves
          2. Low Targets
            1. solution: set more realistic targets in order to challenge the performer
            2. Fatigue
              1. solution: ensure you have a break to repay oxygen debt
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