Coach-Athlete Relationship


Pscyhology Fichas sobre Coach-Athlete Relationship, creado por Mark Arsenal el 28/04/2013.
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Pregunta Respuesta
What is Chelladurai 1978 Multi-Dimensional Model Of Leadership?
What limitations are there in the Leadership Perspective? Coaches' behaviors do not accurately reflect what goes on within and between coaches and their athletes.
Define the Relationship Perspective: (Jowett and Ntoumanis 2004) The situation in which the coaches and athletes emotions, thoughts and behaviors are mutually and causally inter-connected.
What is the importance of a Coach-Athlete Relationship? It is a fundamental process of coaching and instrumental for athletes development. BUT it can be a cause of stress and distraction (if relationship is strained- Athletes prep for 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games)
What do the C's stand for in the 3+1C Conceptualisation of the Coach-Athlete Relationship? Closeness, Commitment, Complementarity, Co-Orientation
Describe the 3+1C Conceptualisation of the Coach-Athlete Relationship:
Describe the Closeness factor: Affective. The feelings experienced by the coach and the athlete in the relationship. Associated with the interpersonal issues, such as liking and trusting one another.
Describe the Commitment aspect: The coach or athletes intention to stay attached to one another.
What can a lack of Closeness in a coach athlete relationship cause? Lack of trust which increases competitiveness in the relationship by creating an environment where envy and other negative emotions are cultivated.
What can a lack of commitment cause? Criticism and negative FB, Lack of common goals, Communication problems, Lack of emotional and informational support.
Describe the Complementarity aspect? Reflects an environment whereby both the coach and athlete work together to improve performance.
What can a lack of Complementarity lead to? Excessive obedience and discipline and power struggles.
Describe the Co-Orientation aspect: It is how the athlete and coach perceive each other. Split into 2 perspectives: Direct Perspective- How the athlete/coach perceives the athlete/coach. Metaperspective- how the athlete/coach imagines there athlete/coach perceives her.
What factor effects the Coach-Athlete Relationship? Sport Type. Been found that the athlete/coach perceptions regarding each others behaviors are more similar in individual sports than team sports.
What obstacles are there in effective Coach-Athlete Relationships? Interpersonal Conflict, Compatibility, Broken Relationship rules.
What factors according to Rhind and Jowett 2008 are important in Relationship Maintenance?
What Ethical Issues can be associated with the Coach-Athlete Relationship? Power and Authority Ethics- Sexual harassment, pressure to conform to ideal weight and body image. Exploitation Ethics- Ticket to big time, Duel Roles.
How can we Facilitate Coach-Athlete Relationships? Communication and Empowerment (perceptions of control over own life and thus linked with decision making).
What perspectives can be use to understand the Coach-Athlete Relationship? The Leadership Perspective is whereby the coach is the leader and controls the athlete. Whereas the Relationship Perspective is where the coach and athlete have a two relationship, they work together as equals.
Define the Leadership Perspective: (Barrows 1977) The behavioral process of influencing individuals and groups towards set goals.
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