

A-Level Physical Education Mapa Mental sobre Personality, creado por Lauren Brace el 22/01/2016.
Lauren Brace
Mapa Mental por Lauren Brace, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lauren Brace
Creado por Lauren Brace hace casi 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. "Personality is the sum total of an individuals characteristics' which make a human unique"
    1. Trait theory
      1. Eysneck
        1. Split personalities up into 4 different categories
          1. Introvert- Shy, reserved and aroused quickly
            1. Extrovert- Not easily aroused,loud and outgoing
              1. Stable- Predictable emotions and recovers from stress fast
                1. Neurotic- High degrees of stress and upredictable emotions
                2. Cattell
                  1. Believed personality couldn't be split into two dimensions
                    1. Look at a larger number of traits (16) before a complete picture of personality could be identified
                      1. Set out on a continuum from high to low
                      2. Girdano
                        1. Narrow theories down into two groups
                          1. Type A- Impatient,competitive,suffers stress,likes control.
                            1. Type B- Non competitive,works slowly,low levels of stress
                            2. Persoanlity made up of secondary traits
                              1. Inherited from parental genes
                                1. Behaviour is innate,stable and consistent
                                2. Social learning theory
                                  1. All behaviour is learned
                                  2. Interactionist approach
                                    1. Personality profilling
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