Ethics and Reproduction


under grad Clinical Endocrinology Flashcards on Ethics and Reproduction, created by Bhavi Mistry on 23/05/2013.
Bhavi Mistry
Flashcards by Bhavi Mistry, updated more than 1 year ago
Bhavi Mistry
Created by Bhavi Mistry over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Main role for reproductive medicine Help ensure safety and health of mother and baby Assist women who wish to terminate a pregnancy Provide info about the foetus
Four approaches: Reproductive choice Procreative autonomy and reproductive autonomy (liberal); Interests of the child (assisted reproduction); Social/state interest (influence on makeup of future society); Respecting life (pro-life)
Abortion Intential termination of a pregnancy resulting in the death of a foetus
Abortion law Foetus is not a person and has no legal rights, these are only acquired at birth
Abortion act Abort if: Pregnancy is not >24 weeks If pregnancy is harmful to mother/impose threat to her life If unborn child will have severe abnormalities
Lifestyle in pregnancy law Civil liability act: Women will not be held legally liable for damage they cause to their unborn child
Forced c sections Interests of foetus not normally precedent Unborn foetus - no legal status
ART (assisted reproductive technology) HFE act: Reproductive cloning illegal, regulates human embryos outside body (research permitted to 14 days)
Donor insemination Both sperm and eggs can be donated Criteria (physical, ethnic, irrelevance) Anonimity is removed
Surrogacy commercial - criminal offence Child's legal mother will be the carrying mother unless cor proceedings are carried out Acceptable if commissioning mother is unable to carry a child
HRA art 12 Negative right (non-interference), Positive right (claim) "men and women...have the right to marry and to found a family..."
Prenatal screening and diagnosis Chorionic Villus Sampling, Ultrasound, Amniocentesis
Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) HFE act: can test if abnormality will affect chance of live birth, CANNOT implant abnormal embryo if others are normal
Sex selection Banned unless done to avoid sex linked abnormality
Saviour siblings Pre-implantation tissue typing is possible
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