English Vocabulary


5-10th grade English Vocabulary
Flashcards by idow2014, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Niat Habtemariam
Created by Niat Habtemariam over 9 years ago
Orlando Liñán
Copied by Orlando Liñán over 9 years ago
Copied by idow2014 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
metaphor a comparison not using like or as
Simile A direct comparison of two dissimilar things using words like or as.
alliteration The repeating of initial consonants sounds in nearby words
antithesis contrast; direct opposite of or to
Assonance Poetry that contains rhyming vowels
Allusion A reference, explicit or implicit, to something in literature or history.
Bandwagon Appealing to popularity or the fact that many people do something is attempted form of validation
Plain folks convince the public that the views reflect those of the common person and that they are also working for the benefit of the common person.
Transfer Applying previous experiences and knowledge to learning or problem solving in a new situation. Propaganda selling technique. Feelings that you have for them to a new product.
glittering generalities appeal to beautiful sounding, but vague words An Example is: "Yes We Can" (Barack Obama)
Logical fallacies an argument that does not conform to the rules of logic, but appears to be sound A false conclusion based on truth
Hyperbole - a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to achieve emphasis - opposite of understatement
Ciceronian Triad grouped words, phrases or clauses in threes. pleasing literary figure, each member of the triad should be longer than the preceding or the third one should be longer than the rest, Build the intensity as it goes.
repetition reiteration of the same word or set of words
Rhetorical Question Questions that do not require an answer because their answers are obvious
Personification the attribution of human qualities to object or abstract notions
Irony In language, a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant. In life, a discrepancy between what is expected and what occurs.
dramatic irony the readers/audience knows something that the main character does not
verbal irony one thing is said, but the opposite is meant. It is often ambiguous, having a double meaning
situational irony when an occurrence is contrary to what is expected (Example: A waterpark burning down.)
onomatopoeia use of words that are pronounced like the sound they make
Foreshadowing The use of clues in a literary work to suggest events that have yet to occur; used to create suspense.
Flashback interruption to see something that already happened.
Symbolism The use of any object, person, place, or action that not only has a meaning in itself but also stands for something larger.
headlines an identifying tag at the top of the news story, cueing readers in on the content and relative importance of the story
captions helps reader understand a picture or photograph
graphics items other than text such as photographs
Bullet points. a block or paragraph of text that has a symbol placed in front to make the section of text stand out
Implied meaning Meaning isn't necessarily obvious in the statement
Explicit Meaning What the message literally states
adjectives describe a person, place, or thing
Stage Directions A play's written instruction. Tells how a character should look, speak, move and behave.
Introductions 1. Gain attention of the audience members 2. Make them want to listen to speech 3. Provide them w/ an overview of the subject you discuss
Body Paragraphs transition Topic Sentence (can be combined with transition) Support (quote) Support/explain the quote Transition
Thesis the primary position taken by a writer or speaker
transitions(also called connectives) words, phrases, or sentences that tie the speech ideas together and enable the speaker to move smoothly from one point to the next
Conclusions do the results of the experiments support the hypothesis or not?
Emotional Appeal When a writer appeals to an audience's emotions (often through "pathos") to excite and involve them in the argument.
Personal Opinion Opinion = strong behavioral inclination personal opinions form as a result of strong attitudes
anecdotal evidence this form of evidence is typically composed of stories
Statistical Evidence –numericalsupport-summary of large number of cases (describes the masses) –Percentage,odds, etc. –Strength:many times is research based
complex sentences at least one dependent and independent clause Ex: Although it was raining, I decided to take a walk.
Compound Sentences Consist of 2 or more simple sentences joined by a conjunction such as "and" or "but."
Compound-Complex Sentences Has at least 2 independent clauses and 1 additional subodinate clause. "Joelle is reading a book, but I am watching Mythbusters, which is my favorite show.
Semicolon joins independent clauses in a compound sentence with no coordinating conjunction Joins independent clauses if either has a comma before transitional experssion that joins seperate lists that have commas in them between independent and dependent clause
Parallel Structure words in a sentences written exactly with the same grammatical structure.
Ethos Appeal to ethics; the self image a writer creates to gain audience's trust-based on honesty and credibility.
pathos means persuading by appealing to the reader's emotions
Logos Based on logic and reasoning
Works Cited list of all sources cited in your paper on its own page always title "Works Cited", centered, no bold or italics must use publication markers no URLS ABC order if publisher unknown, infer and put brackets
attention grabbers - ask a question - start with a quote - tell a story - start with a stat/fact - start with a relevant study
Titles Should be interesting, related to your purpose, and use literary devices to make appealing.
voice the personality and distinct way of "talking on paper" that allow the reader to"hear" personality in a piece of writing
sentence fluency Using a variety of sentence structures and punctuation in flow.
Organization makes comprehension easier 1. good paragraphing 2. transitions 3. topic sentences 4. concluding sentences 5. appropriate vocabulary for audience (technical vs. elementary) 6. sufficient context
Word Choice Applying Strong Verbs Selecting Striking Words and Phrases Using Specific and Accurate Words Choosing Words That Deepen Meaning
Ideas -Presents an original idea -Topic is focused -One clear, main idea -Interesting, important details for support -Writer understands topic well
Brainstorming strategies a. Free-writing b. Listing / Bulleting c. Webbing d. Research on the topic
Reading Strategies Make predictions Visualize Ask and Answer questions Retell and summarize Previous knowledge
Tone the author or speaker's attitude toward the subject
formal tone this kind of tone is appropriate for business communication
sarcasm a cutting often ironic remark intended to wound
Imagery Mental pictures; A powerful aid to effortful processing, especially when combined with encoding meaning.
Analogy An analogy is a point-by-point comparison between two things for the purpose of clarifying the less familiar or the two subjects.
What is subject-verb agreement? a verb must agree with its subject in number
concise Expressing much in few words; clear and succinct.
vivid very distinct and sharp; very realistic
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