Glossary Pt. 2


Set of 40 words taken out of the TOEIC example we were given
Diego Figueroa
Flashcards by Diego Figueroa, updated more than 1 year ago
Diego Figueroa
Created by Diego Figueroa over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Depletion The reduction of something by a large amount so that there is not enough left. "The greatest ozone depletion occurred near the poles."
Sideline An activity that you do as well as your main job in order to earn extra money. "His hobby of winemaking was fast becoming a profitable sideline."
Guidelines A set of rules or instructions that are given by an official organization telling you how to do something. "The government has drawn up guidelines on the treatment of the mentally ill."
Menial Something not considered important or that doesn't need special skills and it's often boring or badly paid. "I hate menial tasks like cleaning the floor."
Invigorated The action of making somebody feel healthy and full of energy. "They felt refreshed and invigorated after the walk."
Incensed When someone's feeling very angry. "Workers were incensed by the decision to lengthen working hours."
Slid To move easily over a smooth or wet surface. "The automatic doors slid open."
Grasp The action of taking a strong hold of somebody or something. "He grasped my hand and shook it warmly."
Memo An official note from one person to another in the same organization. "Did you recived de memo?"
Gazebo A small building with open sides in a garden, especially one with a view. "There was more than enough space to build a gazebo."
Leaflet A printed sheet of paper or a few printed pages that are given free to advertise or give information about something. "Pick up a free leaflet from your local post office."
Freelance Earning money by selling your work or services to several different organizations rather than being employed. "Even though my coussin hasn't found a job yet, he went freelance on his paintings."
Withhold Refusing to give something to somebody. "The government was threatening to withhold future financial aid."
Proficient When someone is able to do something well because of training and practice. "I'm a reasonably proficient driver."
Fondness A feeling of love or caring for somebody, especially somebody you have known for a long time. "She will be remembered by the staff with great fondness."
Clumsy Moving or doing things in a way that is not smooth or steady or careful. "I spilt your coffee! Sorry, that was clumsy of me."
Dispatcher A person whose job is to send vehicles to where they are needed. "Do you remember my friendfrom the Call Center? Well, she's an Emergency Medical Dispatcher since last month"
Fare The amount money that you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc. "The bus fares have increased since the president anounced a rise of the minimum salary."
Assortment A collection of different things or of different types of the same thing. "He was dressed in an odd assortment of clothes."
Unattended When someone is not being watched or cared for. "Never leave young children unattended."
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