VO2 Max


Physical Education Mind Map on VO2 Max, created by frankie2896 on 09/10/2013.
Mind Map by frankie2896, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by frankie2896 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

VO2 Max
  1. Physiology
    1. Higher percentage of slow twitch muscle fibres (type1).
      1. High Capillary Density
        1. High blood volume and haemoglobin content.
          1. High Mitochondrial density and myoglobin content
          2. Lifestyle
            1. All reduce VO2 values
              1. Smoking
                1. Poor Diet
                  1. Leading a sedentary lifestyle.
                2. Genetics
                  1. Studies on twins have suggested that genetics account for 25 to 50 per cent of VO2 max scores.
                  2. Gender
                    1. The typical untrained male VO2 max has a value of 3.5 litres/min
                      1. A typical untrained females VO2 max is approximately 2 litres/min
                      2. Training
                        1. VO2 max can be improved by 10 to 20 per cent following training
                          1. This gives vast improvements in the delivery and transport of oxygen resulting in a higher VO2 Max
                          2. Continuous, fartlek and aerobic training are the best types of training methods for improving VO2 max.
                          3. Body Composition
                            1. VO2 Max decreases as the % of body fat increases. This is because fat is a non functional weight that is just carried around.
                            2. Age
                              1. VO2 Maxx decreases with age.
                                1. After the age of 25 VO2 max is thought to decrease by 1% per year.
                                  1. Regular exercise will help to slow down the rate of decline
                                  2. Maximun Volume of oxygen utlitsed in 1 min.
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