Classification of the Immune System


Classification of the Immune System
Alma Cariño
Mapa Mental por Alma Cariño , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Alma Cariño
Criado por Alma Cariño quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Classification of the Immune System
  1. Adaptative immune system
    1. Humoral immunity
      1. Mediated by B-cells
        1. Matures in the bone marrow
          1. Plasma cells
            1. Secretes antibodies
            2. Memory B-cells
              1. Produce plasma cells that directly secrete IgG antibodies in second exposure to antigen
        2. Cellular immunity
          1. Mediated by T-cells
            1. Active other immune cells to fully mature
              1. CD8+cytotoxic T-cells
                1. Induce apoptosis in target cells
                2. CD4+ helped T-cells
                  1. Th1
                    1. Activate macrophages to destroy pathogens
                      1. B-cell activation roles
                      2. Th2
                        1. Interacts with B-cells mainly
                        2. Th17
                          1. Fight fungal infections
                3. Innate Immune System
                  1. Response to an initial infection
                    1. Immediate: 0-4 hours
                      1. Infection
                        1. Recognition by preformed, nonspecific and broadly specific effectors
                          1. Removal of Infectious agent
                    2. Consists of Cells and Proteins
                      1. Main components
                        1. Physical epithelial barriers
                          1. Phagocytic leukocytes
                            1. Dendritic cells
                              1. Special type ok lymphocyte - Natural Killer cell (NK)
                                1. Circulating plasma proteins
                            2. Active Immune System
                              1. Injection a person with
                                1. Antigens
                                2. Source of antibodies
                                  1. The person inoculated
                                  2. Method
                                    1. Injection with
                                      1. Attenuated pathogens
                                        1. Their toxins
                                      2. Time to develop resistance
                                        1. 5 to 14 days
                                        2. Duration of resistance
                                          1. Long (Perhaps years)
                                          2. When used
                                            1. Before Exposure to pathogen
                                          3. Passive Immune System
                                            1. Adquiere from the transfer of antibodies
                                              1. Produce by other person
                                              2. protection decreases in a short time
                                                1. Weeks or months
                                                2. Acquired Immunity
                                                  1. Naturally
                                                    1. Antibodies pass from mother to fetus
                                                      1. Via placenta
                                                        1. To infant in her milk
                                                      2. Artificially
                                                        1. Injection of immune serum
                                                          1. Gamma globulin


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