Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- The Maldives is a country made up of over 1000
low-lying islands. The land below sea level
totals 80%. The population of the Maldives are
very concerned about coastal erosion and
flooding as they believe this is being made
worse by rising sea-levels and climate change.
- Causes of rising
- Global Warming- As the temperature of the earth
increases, land based ice such as ice caps and
glaciers melt, which contributes to the volume of
water in the ocean, causing it to rise.
- Thermal expansion: When the
temperature of the ocean increases, the
sea water expands and therefore takes
up more surface area and therefore
results in the rise of sea levels.
- Social effects of
rising sea levels.
- Local people's houses are in
danger of becoming flooded or
eroded by the approaching sea.
- This means that inhabitants could
become homeless
- A huge proportion of islanders
rely on tourism as an income.
- As sea levels continue to rise, tourism
resorts will decrease in numbers due to
damage and destruction, this means that
the number of tourists visiting the
Maldives will decrease and in results, so
will the country's income.
- Islanders are already losing
their jobs, income,
communities, homes and
- Fishing is the main source of income for
families, however coastal flooding affects the
sea's eco-system and therefore family income
has been affected as the numbers of fish in
the sea have lowered.
- Rising sea levels have caused coastal
floods in the past which have led to
the deaths of thousands.
- More money is being spent on
defences rather than on
infrastucture and development.
- Economic effects of
rising sea levels.
- A large proportion
of the Maldive's tax
revenue comes from
- This means that as tourism decreases, the income
gained by the government will decrease and
therefore less developments within the country will
be made.
- Tourism provides nearly
30% of the GDP. This
will decrease
dramatically as rising
sea levels increase.
- A decrease in tourism will mean a decrease in the
countries GDP and therefore businesses and
consumers will be negatively affected.
- There are over 80 resorts that
serve 500,000 tourists per year.
This will dramatically decrease,
resulting in a decrease in
- Political effects of
rising sea levels.
- 300,000 Maldivians
could become
- The need to diversify the economy
rather than relying on tourism.
- There are fears that the
Maldives could become a
stateless nation.
- The government is put under pressure to
decide where to migrate the Maldive's
population in order to keep them safe from
the inevitable flooding.
- How Maldivians are
trying to cope.
- Male, the capital city is
surrounded by a 3m wall to
protect it from the force of
upcoming waves.
- Receiving funding from
places such as Japan to aid
projects such as the Male
- The Maldives are working with other
countries to try and resolve
governmental issues and to raise
- Policies have been made to reduce
the impact of flooding and increase
awareness- Kyoto Protocal.
- The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commits
state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emission, based on the global
warming exsits and man made CO2 emissions caused it.