GCSE P.E revision


GCSE Physical education Fichas sobre GCSE P.E revision, creado por Gracee el 16/08/2013.
Fichas por Gracee, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Gracee hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are the three categories of a healthy active lifestyle 1. Physical. 2. Social. 3. Mental.
Name the stages of the participation pyramid
Explain health It is a positive state of mental, physical and social well being.
Explain exercise It decrease the chances of heart disease, high blood pressure. It also helps relieve stress and improves fitness levels.
Explain fitness It can be improved through exercise. It also contribute towards an enhanced performance.
Explain performance Taking part in an activity to the best of your ability. Need to be fit to enhance performance
What are the five components of health related exercise? 1. Cardiovascular fitness 2. Muscular strength 3. Muscular endurance 4. Flexibility 5. Body composition
Explain cardiovascular fitness (name an example athlete and their sport) The ability to exercise the body for long periods of time (Mo Farrah long distance running)
Explain muscular strength (name an example athlete and their sport) The amount of force a muscle can exert against resistance (Matthias Steiner - weightlifter)
Explain muscular endurance (name an example athlete and their sport) The ability to use he voluntary muscles many times without getting tired (Bradley Wiggins - long distance cyclist)
Explain flexibility (name an example athlete and their sport) The range of movement possible at a joint (Beth Tweedle - gymnast)
Explain body composition The percentage of body weight that is fat, muscle and bone
What are the six components of skill related fitness 1.agility 2. Balance 3. Coordination 4. Power 5. Reaction time 6. Speed
Explain agility (give an example of when it is needed) The ability to change the position of the body quickly and to control the movement of the whole body (netball - dodging around a marker)
Explain balance (give an example of when it is needed) The ability to retain the centre of mass of the the body above the base of support with reference to static or dynamic conditions of movement , shape and orientation (gymnastics - when doing a handstand on beam)
Explain coordination (give an example of when it is needed) The ability to use two or more body parts together (football - hand eye coordination for the goalkeeper to catch a shot)
Explain power (give an example of when it is needed) The ability to undertake strength performances quickly. Power = strength x speed (sprinter - driving their body out of the starting block when the gun fires)
Explain reaction time (give an example of when it is needed) The time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset movement (sprinter - the time between the trigger been pulled, the fun firing and the athlete starting to run)
Explain speed (give an example of when it is needed) The differential rate at which an individual is able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period if time (tennis - speed of thought or boxer - hand speed)
Explain static and dynamics balance Static - keeping the body stable while stationary (archery, clay pigeon shooting) Dynamic - maintaining a controlled stable position while moving (hammer throwing and basketball) Some sports require both (gymnastics)
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