BMS04-1037- Cell nucleus and cell division


BMS04 - Genes and gene expression Fichas sobre BMS04-1037- Cell nucleus and cell division, creado por Evian Chai el 07/05/2020.
Evian Chai
Fichas por Evian Chai, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Evian Chai
Creado por Evian Chai hace alrededor de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What is the difference between heterochromatin and euchromatin? Hetero: Highly condensed, at periphery Eu: More open chromatin
What is the site of DNA coding for ribosomal RNA and the synthesis/assembly of ribosomal subunits? Nucleolus
How many layers is the nuclear envelope? Double nuclear membrane Outer layer continious with ER Inner nuclues membrane supported by nucleur lamins
What allows for communication across the nuclear membrane? Nuclear pores
How do larger molecules (>9nm) enter the nucleus? 1. Nuclear import receptors bind to Nucleur localisation sequences (basic AAs), delivering protein to pore complex 2. Receptor/protein disassociate once inside 3. Energy for this from GTP hydrolysis
What is the structure of a chromatin? String of nucleosomes (200bp per interval) Can be open (beads on a string) or closed
What is the structure of a nucleosome? DNA wrapped TWICE around 8 histone proteins
Highly condensed genes are ... Open genes are... Silent Transcriptionally active
What do centromeres do? They are special DNA sequences that hold chromatids together and enable formation of the Kinetochrome
What does the kinetochore do? Binds chromatids to microtubules, then attaches them to mitotic spindle
What are telomeres? What are they for? What makes them? Tandem repeats of short, G rich sequences at chromosome ends Prevent chromosome fusion/protect coding sequence Telomerase enzyme
What is the karyotype? THe #, size, shape of chromosome, chracteristic of species
Humans have ... chromosomes made up of ... autosomal homologous pairs and ... pair of sex chromosomes 46 22 1
Most chromosomes are ..., sex gamates are ... Diploid (46) Haploid (23)
What is polypoid? More than diploid number of chromosomes eg. megakaryotes
What is aneuploid? Abnormal # of chromosome (eg. extra chromosome 21 in Down's syndrome)
Interphase is made of: G1 S G2 What do they do? G1: Replication of organelles+growth Regulation of cell cycle S: Duplication of chromosomes/DNA replication G2: Second gap phase
Mitosis and cytokinesis takes .... and is ... and ... dependant 1 hr microtubule (mitosis) actin (cytokinesis)
What is the G0 phase? Absence of growth factor in G1 leads to resting phase
What is the R point in the cell cycle? Restriction point, after which cell enter complete cell cycle
Which phase? Nucleur envelope breaks down, chromosomes attach to spindle via kinetochromes Prometaphase
Which phase? Kinectorchore microtubules shorten, sister chromatids seperate Cytokinesis begins as actin band contracts Anaphase
Which phase? Chromosomes condense, nucleolus disappears, spindle begins to form (aided by centrosome) Prophase
Which phase? Chromosomes line up along metaphase plate Metaphase
Which phase? Spindle disappears Nucleus envelope reforms Chromosomes decondense Telophase
How does the spindle form? Centriole (9 triplet of microtubules) duplicates As mitosis begins, mother/daughter centriole seperates forming spindle between them
What initiates mitosis? Mitosis promoting factor (cyclin dependant kinase with 2 subunits) CdK (catalytic), Cyclin B (regulatory)
What peaks during mitosis and must be degraded to exit it? Cyclin B
What are the two subunits of S phase promoting factor? 1. cDK 2 (catalytic) 2. Cyclin E/A (regulatory)
Homologous chromosomes are held together with? Chiasmata at site of crossing over
What is the purpose of meiosis? 1. Create genetic variety between maternal/paternal (2^23 combos) 2. Crossing over recombines genes WITHIN a chromosome (infinite combos)
Mitosis vs meiosis? Mit: 1 division to produce 2 genetically identical diploid cells. homologous chromosomes act independantly Mei: 2 divisions to produce 4 genetically different haploid cells Homologous chromosomes pair
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