BMS08-1011 - Body Fluids and Osmolarity


BMS08 - Introduction to Anatomy and Physiological Systems Flashcards on BMS08-1011 - Body Fluids and Osmolarity, created by Evian Chai on 29/04/2020.
Evian Chai
Flashcards by Evian Chai, updated more than 1 year ago
Evian Chai
Created by Evian Chai over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the difference between osmolarity and osmolality Osmolarity: miliosmoles/L Osmolality: miliosmoles/kg
What does osmolarity control in the 1. Plasma 2. Intracellular fluid The volume of the plasma and cell
What is the relationship between osmolarity and Avogadro's number? 1 osm=Avogadro's number
What is the main ion in plasma? It has more.... and contains ... .... and ... as negative charges Na+ Ca2+ Cl-, HCO3-, proteins
What is the main intracellular ion? It has ... ... and ... as negative charges K+ Cl-, amino acids, proteins
Water makes up ...% of total body composition Of that, ...% is intracellular and ...% is extracellular 1. 60% 2. 40% intracellular 3. 20% extracelluar - 15% interstitial between cells - 5% in plasma
What are some minor fluid compartments? 1. Cerebral spinal fluid 2. Synovial fluid 3. Lymph
Body fluids are made up of? 1. Ions (eg. Na+, Cl-, K+) 2. Proteins 3. Dissolved gases/nutrients/metabolites 4. Cells in blood
What is the dilution method and how does it determine volume? Concentration=substance/volume So Volume=substance/concentration You can add known substance to unknown volume, measure concentration
For the dilution method, the substance used must be... 1. Non toxic 2. Slowly metabolised 3. Can't cross capillary in plasma 4. Can't enter cells 5. Distribute to all H20
Hypotonic is when the cell has ... ions and leads to ..... Hypertonic is when the cell has ...ions and leads to .... Isotonic= 1. MORE, swelling 2. LESS, shrinking 3. Equal amount of ions
Crystalloid pressure is due to ... and must be .... between intra/extracellular ions equal
Oncotic pressure is due to... It plays a role in fluid transport because 1. Proteins 2. Hydrostatic pressure initially draws fluid OUT of capillary. Oncotic pressure in venous end draws fluid back in
What are the three plasma proteins? 1. Albumin-transport 2. Globulins-transport+immunity 3. Fibrinogen-blood clotting
What are normal RBC/WBC counts? RBC: 4.2-6.1 million/microliter WBC: 4500-11,000/microliter
What is the normal range of plasma osmolarity? 275-300 milliosmoles (mOsm)/L
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